2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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Is there a publication ban on the firefighters derby results?! Let’s see it boys and girls I’m staying at work until I find out
Amen bro. I picked up a 24 and a 22 solo. It was a lotto work. And lost something very large to a broken leader.
Fishin solo in 6ft+ white caps and without the technical aids ..like autopilot ya thats right....boat pitching and spinning
Then what is that ... a submerged crab pot marker..damn pull all gear slow the boat to neutral ... real this suckered in like many times before and 20 min later
Noooo... it's a fish. 😆 sounding Slavic
A big fish. Slowly to the boat when
Damn catches the other rods lure hook and proceeds to make 20 - 30 attempts
To continue on his way... with both rods now.. easy does it finally in the boat
Torpedoed back to the briny deep
Now to untangle this freakin mess .
Orientate to regain my bearings then back at er.. ya fishin solos fun.
Fish was white in the low 20s
Pounded through some pretty good waves around the mouth to arrrive as SH around 1:30 and had our first white (biggest of the day) in the boat by 2pm - chovie with a green glow teaser and full glow flasher at 55 feet. Got the second about 30 mins later. Proceeded to hook into 5 more and went home with 2 each. Also lost a hatch coho at the boat and released a wild ho and a chum. Waves settled down very nicely later in the afternoon and when the tide line showed up the whole place lit up - every boat we could see had a fight going. Amazing day all in all and finished with a double header to boot! Every fish all day on the same rig at the same depth. Easy!
Pounded our way over to SH today from the island for one last kick at the can before putting the boat away until winter spring fishing heats up. Crossing the straight at 11am was pretty lumpy to say the least. Lots of fish around. It was a bit grind-y until I dropped deep, down to 133 in 230 feet of water then we were non-stop action. Landing ratio was a bit sad, with some lost gear to big fish. 2 high teens, and two mid twenties. 3 whites, 1 red. All on various spoons. No bait needed. Crossing back in the late afternoon was much more pleasant.
Pounded through some pretty good waves around the mouth to arrrive as SH around 1:30 and had our first white (biggest of the day) in the boat by 2pm - chovie with a green glow teaser and full glow flasher at 55 feet. Got the second about 30 mins later. Proceeded to hook into 5 more and went home with 2 each. Also lost a hatch coho at the boat and released a wild ho and a chum. Waves settled down very nicely later in the afternoon and when the tide line showed up the whole place lit up - every boat we could see had a fight going. Amazing day all in all and finished with a double header to boot! Every fish all day on the same rig at the same depth. Easy!
Freakin 30mph winds on top of huge waves first thing with many boats turning back... but not all..
This is one killer ride. Rain City.. ?
4 for 4. Done by 7:30am. Unreal.
47 & 57 all herring. On the Rain City ‘hero tack’
AKA the **** everyone off tack.
AKA the you better be on your horn tack
AKA the watch for incoming lead tack

But really I just followed Dimitri from Bon Chovy around when he had that thing on Auto Pilot one day. I take no credit for it. Or any blame for that matter.
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