2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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Anyone knows if you can still use the Ambleside dock for pickup? Been ages…

Watch the tides it's dry often..and having said that it may be gone. The one at dunderave is there but same issue it dries so you need some water to make it feasible.
We’ve fished T10 the past few evenings. Finding it very slow compared to the morning and mid day reports at sandheads.

Anecdotal but sure seems like SH is the best bet. Typically T10 does well enough to make it worth while and avoid the heavy crowds.

Evenings, apart from the final minutes before darkness, have been really unproductive for us.

My guide buddy feels that it’s due to the tides and after that long and steep of a flood all of the fish have left the area.
Got a couple quick at sandheads this morning. Lost the next couple then went quiet for us. Trolled north of the pack and hooked up with a big male 32lbs. Got it swimming again which was really cool to see. 57 chovies herring 47 got some love too
props to you for letting that big boy go keep the big boys around quick photo and let him go make more babies
Ran to T-10 or should i bounced along from Gibsons in my little 16' old DE lines down at 12.30 and never seen any action at all from the boats that where spread out went from 300' into the 100' and did not even mark that much bait .... at 1.30 with nothing showing just headed for home doing the slow troll about a mile away from the pack way out seen one boat land a fish and and just before the shipping lanes we had a hit on herring turned out to be about 20lb fish .... done the slow troll till 3 but no further action ..... on the way over we had the humpbacks put on a small show for us tail and fin slapping and one good breach sadly did not a piccy of that .......
Ran to T-10 or should i bounced along from Gibsons in my little 16' old DE lines down at 12.30 and never seen any action at all from the boats that where spread out went from 300' into the 100' and did not even mark that much bait .... at 1.30 with nothing showing just headed for home doing the slow troll about a mile away from the pack way out seen one boat land a fish and and just before the shipping lanes we had a hit on herring turned out to be about 20lb fish .... done the slow troll till 3 but no further action ..... on the way over we had the humpbacks put on a small show for us tail and fin slapping and one good breach sadly did not a piccy of that .......
Thankfully, we snapped a good pic of that. Hit T10 today and our reports were completely consistent with those above.
Might have been me getting that fish out near the shipping lane. Fished 8-1130 am. Got the smaller fish first. Fishing alone, so getting it was a gong show. Got net tangled in the downrigger weight clip, so had to tail and gill him into the boat. Later the bigger fish. Tired that one out and netted him. Both male whites on last years salt herring. When I hit the last fish, I was in 540ft water, no one around at all. Both 71ft on the wire.


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My boy and I are down for our annual father son spring fest! Starting at SH at 6am, give us a wave if you see an older green Sylvan inboard. He’s 10 so it may get exciting if we need to net a big fish- we’ll try to break out of the tac (if that’s an option), hopefully without cutting anyone off. Pumped to be out, hope the wind doesn’t pick up to quick.
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