2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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Went out to point Atkinson yesterday, and also worked the West Van Shoreline all the way up to the Cap. No love on the spoons or hootchies no matter what depth I was at. Of the 10 or so boats that I ran across nobody seemed to be too busy.

Not to say you won't catch Coho on Spoons or Hoochies but recent rainfall is shifting local destination Coho into strict migration mode and the Coho most have been catching have been hanging around for weeks already and nearly have lockjaw.

Bait- small herring or anchovies in a teaser on a longer leader 7 feet will be your best bet. Brine 'em up well. $18 a pack for Anchovies seems ridiculous and it is but then again spending all that rest of the money to get out there and use tackle which isn't triggering bites. The good news is that the glut of Chinooks which are entering local waters and in the next 8 weeks will all love bait.
How to you guys rig your herring to a teaser head ? Can’t afford anchovies lol but have a bunch of herring
Buy the extra large teaser head, grab a hot knife and remove a small piece of the plastic tip to create more space. Use a heavier line (40lbs) and rig like a regular chovie setup. I’ll post a pic of mine next time I get in the boat.

Found this article too.
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