2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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What do u guys do when you forget the ice? (I know, really dumb mistake) keep in dry cooler or put some seawater in there?

Also willing to buy some if anyone’s got extra. Between T10/SH 🥲
What do u guys do when you forget the ice? (I know, really dumb mistake) keep in dry cooler or put some seawater in there?

Also willing to buy some if anyone’s got extra. Between T10/SH 🥲
When I was in that predicament once I gutted it and threw a couple cold beers in its belly. Sea water works when winter fishing but prob a bit warm now
What do u guys do when you forget the ice? (I know, really dumb mistake) keep in dry cooler or put some seawater in there?

Also willing to buy some if anyone’s got extra. Between T10/SH
Bleed well..gills out..rinse every 20mins
Great day today at SH.
Lines down around 730. Got
Our 4 man limit by 11:30 with 4 lost and 2 wild coho.
Non stop until around 10, then a bit of a grind to get the last two (the grind is relative to todays fishing. I’ll take 2 in 1.5 hrs any other day. Everything in chovies, a bit deeper today 80-115.


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Ended up with a ~15lb chinook and a fat hatch ho and called it due to no ice. Lots of hits throughout that didn’t stick. Don’t believe the people that tell you only overpriced anchovies will catch fish, everything on spoons. Also fished way far out from the crowd. 350-450fow, 60/80 on riggers.
Started at SH around 8 and found a nice crab line with my rigger. Untangled that mess and got a nice 20lb red doe on herring at 71 on the wire. Then nothing for a while until a double header (fishing solo) that got me a nice big wild (released), on herring at 71 and a nice hatch doe 51 ft (smaller) on a glow white hootchie. Got a smaller white to end the day. Nice s20240908_161406.jpgpring and coho roe haul as well.
I got out again today. I fished the 1st 2nd 4th and today. All at sandheads. This is the best year I've ever seen at sandheads. Today was the most active fishing I've ever had in my life. All the other days were very productive, but today was lights out from the first drop. 50-70 feet on the rigger had trouble keeping the lines in the water. Big wild coho, chinooks and hatchery coho. Today's fish were 15lbs, 16lbs, 16lbs ,18lbs. Plus bonus hatchery coho's. Some of the wild coho were 10plus lbs if I had to guess. Get out there....
Fished T10 today. Lines down at 8:00 am, and went 1 for 4 in the first 1/2 hour. Boxed a nice 20 lb red on med. herring. Then it died. Finally scratched up another bite at around noon, a just undersized spring. An hour later, another spring around 12 lbs, also on med. herring.
Started at SH around 8 and found a nice crab line with my rigger. Untangled that mess and got a nice 20lb red doe on herring at 71 on the wire. Then nothing for a while until a double header (fishing solo) that got me a nice big wild (released), on herring at 71 and a nice hatch doe 51 ft (smaller) on a glow white hootchie. Got a smaller white to end the day. Nice sView attachment 110437pring and coho roe haul as well.
I know that you can have 2 lines in the water when fishing solo in freshwater in BC. But can you do that as well in saltwater? Everything I read said 1 line per person
I know that you can have 2 lines in the water when fishing solo in freshwater in BC. But can you do that as well in saltwater? Everything I read said 1 line per person
This question comes up from time to time. In saltwater, you may have as many lines as you want in the water at any given time. If there are more than one person on board, only a person with a fishing license may touch the rod in any circumstance- including reeling up a line. For example, if there are 4 rods fishing, and six people on board and only one person has a license, only that licensed person may touch the gear. The others may drive the boat only. They cannot even assist by netting a fish or touching a rod.

DFO has oversimplified it and now says "In tidal waters, there is no limit to the number of fishing rods you may use" but has left the other stuff out. You have to read the long version.

This question comes up from time to time. In saltwater, you may have as many lines as you want in the water at any given time. If there are more than one person on board, only a person with a fishing license may touch the rod in any circumstance- including reeling up a line. For example, if there are 4 rods fishing, and six people on board and only one person has a license, only that licensed person may touch the gear. The others may drive the boat only. They cannot even assist by netting a fish or touching a rod.
Thanks for clarifying! I appreciate it
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