2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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Is stacking just habit from sockeye times or something everyone should do? I'm still hoping for a Tuesday fish. Keep the reports coming, especially during this 5 hour strong ebb.
I share a boat with a friend so when we are together we mostly stack. More work but it is good for trying different gear out. Keep your fav gear down and then experiment with the other rod. Definitely had some mayhem this morning. Our fish were getting to the boat a bit green today and trying to run into the motors and around the other gear that we should have pulled out but mostly leave down. We had a couple
Of netting disasters that stacking played a part in 😞
I share a boat with a friend so when we are together we mostly stack. More work but it is good for trying different gear out. Keep your fav gear down and then experiment with the other rod. Definitely had some mayhem this morning. Our fish were getting to the boat a bit green today and trying to run into the motors and around the other gear that we should have pulled out but mostly leave down. We had a couple
Of netting disasters that stacking played a part in 😞
I’ve stacked for sockeye with great success and some springs as bycatch, but personally don’t stack when fishing for springs on my small boat for this exact reason. So many fish around that netting 4 running 2 rods beats losing 4 on 4. Hope you managed to put the fish in the box regardless!
Has anyone grabbed salt ice or flake ice from the water in steveston? I recall seeing a sign but don’t know the details.
Out to T10. Lines down at the crack of 9:00 am. Fished till 3 pm. Landed 8 springs and one 62 cm hatch coho. Released 4 wild coho all of which were over 10lbs. Most fish on medium herring and white hootchies. A few on anchovy. Depths were 35 - 65 ft.


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We made this insane decision to start late and stick to the harbour today. The wind reports must have had Marco worrying about my back. After reading all the lights out reports all morning while twiddling my thumbs at home, we finally headed down to Vanier around 12:30. Lines in at 1:15. Well, we didn't get a single whiff for about 4.5 hours. Not even a shaker. I was kept busy with all the messages from guys showing me their limits from down South. Right before the mutiny was about to go down, we finally got a hit just Northwest of the Bell. Then another. And another. We ground it out until sunset and got our last fish right before calling it a night. 4 hits and 4 keeper reds. All on chovies at 45 feet. Black UV flasher worked. All fish came within the hour either side of high slack. Thank god we made it happen, Marco can now go back to his loving family with all of his fingers and toes.IMG_20240901_212822_858.webpIMG_54071.jpg
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We went out to T10 today and braved the horde. Running bait for 2 hours with lots of hits and two nice chinook boxed. Had two rods with one at 50ft and the other at 120ft. All action on the deeper rods today. Started getting a bit tired of setting new anchovies constantly so we ran a white hootchie on one side with both lines down at 120. Hootchie easily outperformed the anchovy and saved a bunch of work. All told, four nice big chinook and some very happy junior fishers. Great day, and awesome to hear everyone’s updates today.
I see repeated questions on this topic across a few fishing pages.

For the Sept 1st folks that want to try the North Arm area, this is a Garmin screenshot of their updated chart. The SRKW area outline has been on the Navionics app for years, just not in yellow, however this outline example shows a clearer view of where the Bell, QA, adjacent mile markers, and T10 are in relation to the restricted area.

View attachment 109957
Thank you for this map.
Still confused because I'm using the fisheries app and when I select the killer whale layer to be put on to my map it adds the much larger datk area and that doesn't coincide with this map? We are heading back from Gambier Island today to the McDonald's launch and we're hoping to do some fishing closer to the North arm.
So still not sure where we can fish I'm assuming the QA is not open have to be somewhat nortwest of that?
Hoping maybe I'll see you some boats out there with a better intel didn't want to have to head all the way to the t10 or sand heads if we're taken out at McDonald.
Can we fish for springs all the way from Bowen across the mouth of the harbor if we stay well out from the Qa?? When we headed across yesterday we didn't see anybody fishing there?
We will definitely post a report in exchange for some clarification. 😎


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Thank you for this map.
Still confused because I'm using the fisheries app and when I select the killer whale layer to be put on to my map it adds the much larger datk area and that doesn't coincide with this map? We are heading back from Gambier Island today to the McDonald's launch and we're hoping to do some fishing closer to the North arm.
So still not sure where we can fish I'm assuming the QA is not open have to be somewhat nortwest of that?
Hoping maybe I'll see you some boats out there with a better intel didn't want to have to head all the way to the t10 or sand heads if we're taken out at McDonald.
Can we fish for springs all the way from Bowen across the mouth of the harbor if we stay well out from the Qa?? When we headed across yesterday we didn't see anybody fishing there?
We will definitely post a report in exchange for some clarification. 😎
The app mapping is way off
Thank you for this map.
Still confused because I'm using the fisheries app and when I select the killer whale layer to be put on to my map it adds the much larger datk area and that doesn't coincide with this map? We are heading back from Gambier Island today to the McDonald's launch and we're hoping to do some fishing closer to the North arm.
So still not sure where we can fish I'm assuming the QA is not open have to be somewhat nortwest of that?
Hoping maybe I'll see you some boats out there with a better intel didn't want to have to head all the way to the t10 or sand heads if we're taken out at McDonald.
Can we fish for springs all the way from Bowen across the mouth of the harbor if we stay well out from the Qa?? When we headed across yesterday we didn't see anybody fishing there?
We will definitely post a report in exchange for some clarification. 😎
The southern resident killer whale no go zone at the north arm has nothing to do with what you have posted there.

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Yesterday was interesting at T10. Some of us had to work for our catch, and for others it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Shiny, flashy gear (non glow) was out-fishing various sized anchovies and herring in my boat with three people, and I read similar reports from others that were at Sand Heads and T10.

Our sunrise ride out yesterday. Another reminder that we live in in magical place.

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