2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

Damn I could t get out of the North Arm this AM. it was so lumpy. I thought if it was this lumpy in the river then the chuck was going to be worse.
You lost me at “ mega waves”. Lol
Well... it's all in the eyes of the beholder... I was out there in the 16 footer in an unforcasted 50 Knot wind that blew up... pretty quickly the 2 footers become breaking 4+ footers. Sketch in the small boats. Fortunately able to tuck in behind a tug boat barge to get back into the river. It's definitely not open ocean type swell and waves. Just want the small boats to take caution.
Remember the day i went into town to collect the Bertram came out the North arm to be greeted by 6' white caps coming straight in....
stuck up on the fly bridge i hung on and done a slow tac over to cowan pt and went the long way round to gibsons doing displacement speed on one motor...
only other boat i could see in the straight was the large DFO frigate .... 5+hours later .....lol
straight not to be messed with when the wind is blowing for sure
Reporting from sand heads as well. Perfect morning. One Chinook to the boat and released.
I am heading to Sandheads for the final run of the year this afternoon. Gonna bring the wife and kids as it seems calm and hopefully I can get them into a few fish.