OFFICIAL 2015 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

Went out on the weekend first fish 15 mins in... 14#. Couple p-cod then moved into tunstall bay, couple passes only 1 small spring. Really need to invest in some prawn and crab traps. My mouth is watering with the pics I have seen on here
tight lines
Went out on the weekend first fish 15 mins in... 14#. Couple p-cod then moved into tunstall bay, couple passes only 1 small spring. Really need to invest in some prawn and crab traps. My mouth is watering with the pics I have seen on here
tight lines

$65 and the setup is yours..

100+ feet of line, half of which is leaded

Comes with float and trap harness as well.

It's not pretty but it is far from dead.

I live in North Van.

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Is anyone else here going out for the garden Bay derby this weekend?
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Should get a bit of decent weather conditions tomorrow morning till around noon. Gonna give the Hump a go for a few hours tomorrow morn till the wind tells me to go home. Anyone else headin out there? I'll be on 88A If anyone's looking for a report out there tomorrow.
:) haha dmurph! :) well it prob won't mess with the boat too much but I'm fishin solo tomorrow so I can't risk getting knocked off the boat if an accident were to happen so can only stay till it get's rough out there. Decided to go at last minute today so my buds are all busy. Nice to get out for some solo fishin some times. Need a longer friggin net pole though!
What the ETA on solowey Dave?
:) haha dmurph! :) well it prob won't mess with the boat too much but I'm fishin solo tomorrow so I can't risk getting knocked off the boat if an accident were to happen so can only stay till it get's rough out there. Decided to go at last minute today so my buds are all busy. Nice to get out for some solo fishin some times. Need a longer friggin net pole though!

Keep us posted....we may make a run around noon.
Yup will do Pippen. This wind has gotta give us a break!

Ya.....I don't have much faith in Env Can marine forecasts when it involves wind. :rolleyes: Have been out too many times in a 'forecasted 15-20' and there is barely enough breeze to blow away the smoke from the bbq! :p

Will be watching current conditions this morning to see how they shape with the 'forecast'. ;) Keep us posted if there is much going on.....Tues or Weds was apparently quite good
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Got one in the bucket 20 min in on south east end of hump. Wanted to release this one cause it's only bout 10 lbs but was a bleeder so had to.image.jpg
Only seen one other boat out here. Waters nice winds only bout 5 knots at moment. Got the fish at 110 ft herring
Winds picked up bout 10 knots. Looks like west van is socked in with rain. Still clear out here. Pollock are grabbing my line every 10 friggin min
Have got two in the box. A 12 and a 14 lb'r and have released one around 8 ish. All on Herring from 80 to 110 ft on the south east ledge of the hump. Winds staying around the 12 knot area I would say. Not too bad so far.
New guy to the forum is stepping it up!!!!! ;) Hahahaha. :cool:
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I'm heading out tomorrow. Can't wait to get out there. If I didn't have a meeting at 4pm today I'd be leaving the office now to head out.
Slowed down a lot the last hour. Not even a Pollock lol. Gotta hit another pack of them.

Hey Pinnaple no shes seen a lot of blood over the past few months I got her the end of Dec. I've been fishin lots since then around the gulf islands, Howe Sound, Tunstall, Bowen etc