Recovered enough from the first cold of the school year to get out yesterday afternoon. Dropped three crab traps off esquimalt lagoon and it was a little too rough for my sons friends stomach to fish where I wanted so ran to oak bay. My sons friend immediately had a wild coho on the buzz bomb he was trolling as i got the first down rigger rod down. Two hits and one more wild to the boat on a white hootchi, as we trolled towards discovery. Set up for Hali in 280, got one dog and no more coho with the buzz bombs. Long run back to the traps, which had smalls and females. Throttled back to under 10kn and took a pilot house wake over the bow and knocked out my windshield wiper, what a nice bunch of guys. Couldn’t imagine what their wakes do to guys in centre consoles? Exhausted and almost thankful I had no fish or crab to clean when I got home after putting the boat to bed. Pretty big smiles about the coho we got to the boat, hopefully they stick around, but I’m banking on a Hali trip or two, also hope they keep it open!