2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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Out 12-5 yesterday, first time fishing the fraser mouth. Started at T-10 nothing but a big beautiful wild coho that went back. Moved to Sandheads and was one of those days everyone around us was catching fish and couldn't get a bite to save our lives. Tried anchovies, hoochies, Spoons at all different depths and speeds with just one undersized feeder spring. Wasn't until I put the ugliest spoon in the tackle box down that we hooked a nice one. Went to pop it off clip but fish decided it was gonna take off at the same time, snapped rod in 2 places. Somehow stayed on and managed to get a nice shiny 15lb white spring in the boat with a 1 ft long rod. That was it for us.

One fish is still a great victory! look at reports from 8 years ago guys had moved on to fishing the Cap at this time,

and a couple of fish in a day was considered to be on fire!

Been saying it for years.. Fishing is scam. If the fish are there, and you put something that reasonably resembles food in front of their face, it'll probably bite.
Green vs. chartreuse vs. chovy/spoon/hoochie vs. UV/glow vs. moon jelly vs blah blah blah.. makes no statistically significant difference in this Sandheads fishery. Right place right time > presentation.
The one thing I'll subscribe to is timing of tides. This is a flood fishery.
Open to be convinced otherwise!
THANK YOU! The fishing gear business really is a scam. Other than line, swivels, a couple of Tomic plugs and octopus hooks I haven’t bought any gear in 8 years.

Find the fish, make a proper presentation and if they like it they will bite. I’ve caught salmon with their stomachs, throat and mouth full and spilling out
Found this fishing net. Saw it fell of the boat. Tell me kind of the boat, fishing location and direction when leaving fishing grounds and get it back.
Been saying it for years.. Fishing is scam. If the fish are there, and you put something that reasonably resembles food in front of their face, it'll probably bite.
Green vs. chartreuse vs. chovy/spoon/hoochie vs. UV/glow vs. moon jelly vs blah blah blah.. makes no statistically significant difference in this Sandheads fishery. Right place right time > presentation.
The one thing I'll subscribe to is timing of tides. This is a flood fishery.
Open to be convinced otherwise!
Fish more and find out. Thin out the fish and change the timing then see if you make the same post. After these fish have been hanging for a few tides or a bunch head upstream it’ll be a different ballgame.

Head to the mouth of the Cap and fish hardware- guaranteed you won’t pull fish off the bottom with hardware anything like bait does.

Easy to make a post like that when several thousand fresh Chinooks arrive all at once off the Fraser Mouth. Also a reason most guides are still fishing bait- they’d love to have that money in their pockets when the expenses coming calling. I don’t know what kinda ratio it was yesterday but bait to tackle is better was better than 4 to 1 even when they’re thick.
Fish more and find out. Thin out the fish and change the timing then see if you make the same post. After these fish have been hanging for a few tides or a bunch head upstream it’ll be a different ballgame.

Head to the mouth of the Cap and fish hardware- guaranteed you won’t pull fish off the bottom with hardware anything like bait does.

Easy to make a post like that when several thousand fresh Chinooks arrive all at once off the Fraser Mouth. Also a reason most guides are still fishing bait- they’d love to have that money in their pockets when the expenses coming calling. I don’t know what kinda ratio it was yesterday but bait to tackle is better was better than 4 to 1 even when they’re thick.
Someone bought some gear recently
One fish is still a great victory! look at reports from 8 years ago guys had moved on to fishing the Cap at this time,

and a couple of fish in a day was considered to be on fire!

Everyone looking at people tubbed out on social media, not accounting for the fact that there are hundreds of boats out there, captained by fishermen of all skill levels. If 10% of them get limits, tyees, etc., then it’s gonna seem like everyone is limiting out and their expectations will be skewed. Fact of the matter is, there’s thousands of acres of water holding fish, and countless depth/lure/trolling speed combos a guy can use to hook one. Even if you get everything right, you might not swing your gear in front of the face of a fish willing to bite anything. I’ve grinded for 14 hours and scratched out a single fish in Barkley sound, and I’ve also got boat limits in an hour in the same spot. I’m by no means the most experienced or skilled out there, but any day where you get to take home a fish should be considered a win.
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Out 12-5 yesterday, first time fishing the fraser mouth. Started at T-10 nothing but a big beautiful wild coho that went back. Moved to Sandheads and was one of those days everyone around us was catching fish and couldn't get a bite to save our lives. Tried anchovies, hoochies, Spoons at all different depths and speeds with just one undersized feeder spring. Wasn't until I put the ugliest spoon in the tackle box down that we hooked a nice one. Went to pop it off clip but fish decided it was gonna take off at the same time, snapped rod in 2 places. Somehow stayed on and managed to get a nice shiny 15lb white spring in the boat with a 1 ft long rod. That was it for us.
DFO creel survey reports + Avid Angler data indicate that the average keeper Chinook, per boat, per day is................. One
I'm guessing that means there's a lot of trips with no keeper Chinook
DFO creel survey reports + Avid Angler data indicate that the average keeper Chinook, per boat, per day is................. One
I'm guessing that means there's a lot of trips with no keeper Chinook
Interesting, are those stats for SH specifically or maybe for areas when salmon are open? I know of several boats fishing SH this year and they have landed maybe 1 or 2 and released a coho or 2 so it is definitely not limits for all boats.
Interesting, are those stats for SH specifically or maybe for areas when salmon are open? I know of several boats fishing SH this year and they have landed maybe 1 or 2 and released a coho or 2 so it is definitely not limits for all boats.
I believe that was coast wide for recreational fishers and didn't includes guide retention
Someone bought some gear recently
Yes I did as a matter of fact. Plugs. Plugs that work while bait boats another fish and then the plug still fishing goes off. ;)
Interesting, are those stats for SH specifically or maybe for areas when salmon are open? I know of several boats fishing SH this year and they have landed maybe 1 or 2 and released a coho or 2 so it is definitely not limits for all boats.
Opening Day saw more than 1500 Chinook boated off the Fraser by my estimate and that’s being quite conservative. The cleaning table at Milltown was busy all day yesterday and I saw many boats packing 4-6 Chinooks each. Everyone had stories of a poor landing ratio too. Fish the best times- when are easy biters. Scratching it out at the corner in English Bay.
BAIT is best. Yes hardware is working but bait is the real deal
Well one main difference between now and 2016 is that you could hammer Sandheads all July & August back then

the july and most of the august fish are well up the river so having sandheads closed at that time does not mean those fish are around now.

The vancouver interception back then was miniscule even tho we were open all year, most of the stocks fraser summer and fall were hammered actually in area 15 campbell river and are 20 the JDF. Now they release them all or release the ones over 80. So that does make a difference

That said though for us to have a good september the summer reds have a big return and be late/hold, and Harrison/Chilliwack/Chalis/Cap Whites has to have good returns.

Its just weird to read the reports of ohh its slow out there took me two hours to get a couple.
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