2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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When running bait and it slow, how do you usually change the presentation? Having set of anchovies in different helmets ready to go? It seems it's not that easy as changing spoons or hoochies.
When running bait and it slow, how do you usually change the presentation? Having set of anchovies in different helmets ready to go? It seems it's not that easy as changing spoons or hoochies.
Yes, I keep a variety of baited heads in my bait cooler ready for quick changes. At the end of the day the whole cooler goes into the freezer
IMO bait will usually outfish artificials on mature or staging fish.
We fished SH on Sunday from 7 to 11. Hooked 6 but only landed 3. Kept 2.
Equal hits on white hoochie and anchovy.
We are decent fishermen but couldn't zero in on depth. Talked to quite a few boats that had none or one. Also a few with 5 or more.
Also I have to say there are more than a few boats out there that should not be in that traffic.
4 guys all looking back trying to land fish while their boat circles in gear pushing multiple boats off their line. Chaos!!!!
Also I have to say there are more than a few boats out there that should not be in that traffic.
4 guys all looking back trying to land fish while their boat circles in gear pushing multiple boats off their line. Chaos!!!!
Yes, the excitement of having a fish on had all crew members looking out the back and not watching where they were going on more than one occasion. Luckily, no disaster happened.
When running bait and it slow, how do you usually change the presentation? Having set of anchovies in different helmets ready to go? It seems it's not that easy as changing spoons or hoochies.

If you want, set up a dry brine, have 3-5 pre-rigged and ready to go after you drop lines in the water. Keep the hooks out of the salt. Do not use a wet brine when doing this. Run a wire up so all you have to do is swap the leader over. Most guides just rig them up in a few seconds anyways- leaders are all 30lb test minimum and usually 40 lb. Is bait expensive ? Yes, is it a bit more time consuming to rig? Yes, a bit. Is it more expensive than other tackle in the long run? Yes, by the time you rig with leader, premium hooks and teaser headers. Does it catch a boatload of fish? Yep.

For all the people who are skeptics about bait in a terminal fishery in September and October around Vancouver- there’s a reason why guides use it- it works! Does tackle still work? Yes. Guides have a limited time to catch fish for their guests- the length of trip purchased. There is no “better luck next time”- only a few are regulars and many will come back in future years if they have a great memory you provided for them.

Bait is a key success factor. Would you rather hook 1 fish or 4? Boats are more expensive than ever- so is fuel and many guys are running 400-600 horses now and some running Triples and Quads. Don’t let a $20 pack of bait stand is the way of boating a few Chinook. Run tackle after you run out of bait-
Found this fishing net. Saw it fell of the boat. Tell me kind of the boat, fishing location and direction when leaving fishing grounds and get it back.
View attachment 110462
No way! So good. 19ft Grady, freedom I think they call it- it’s my father in laws boat- sandheads, we left Sunday around 1230pm and halfway to hs bay I thought- crap the net. We were headed North…. Anyhow- if we can get it back, great. If not- at least it’s not sitting at the bottom of the drink! Thx so much
No way! So good. 19ft Grady, freedom I think they call it- it’s my father in laws boat- sandheads, we left Sunday around 1230pm and halfway to hs bay I thought- crap the net. We were headed North…. Anyhow- if we can get it back, great. If not- at least it’s not sitting at the bottom of the drink! Thx so much
I was gonna say maybe the owner threw it away on purpose.
When running bait and it slow, how do you usually change the presentation? Having set of anchovies in different helmets ready to go? It seems it's not that easy as changing spoons or hoochies.
just run what you know . have faith in your bait/ flasher, colour ect doesnt mean **** in my opinion. it will turn on eventually if you have properly taken care of bait . i judge people who fish anything other than bait after mid august.... exept the odd tomic plug
If you want, set up a dry brine, have 3-5 pre-rigged and ready to go after you drop lines in the water. Keep the hooks out of the salt. Do not use a wet brine when doing this. Run a wire up so all you have to do is swap the leader over. Most guides just rig them up in a few seconds anyways- leaders are all 30lb test minimum and usually 40 lb. Is bait expensive ? Yes, is it a bit more time consuming to rig? Yes, a bit. Is it more expensive than other tackle in the long run? Yes, by the time you rig with leader, premium hooks and teaser headers. Does it catch a boatload of fish? Yep.

For all the people who are skeptics about bait in a terminal fishery in September and October around Vancouver- there’s a reason why guides use it- it works! Does tackle still work? Yes. Guides have a limited time to catch fish for their guests- the length of trip purchased. There is no “better luck next time”- only a few are regulars and many will come back in future years if they have a great memory you provided for them.

Bait is a key success factor. Would you rather hook 1 fish or 4? Boats are more expensive than ever- so is fuel and many guys are running 400-600 horses now and some running Triples and Quads. Don’t let a $20 pack of bait stand is the way of boating a few Chinook. Run tackle after you run out of bait-
Would love to see the data to support this. I suspect that when guides get started in their early careers, they’re taught that bait is king, and never really give artificials the same chance. Then the more they catch on bait the more the bias grows.
Us Fishermen and women are weird people. We all have our own preferences and biases that contradict the next guys.
If you’re confident in something, fish it hard and you’ll do well.
Would love to see the data to support this. I suspect that when guides get started in their early careers, they’re taught that bait is king, and never really give artificials the same chance. Then the more they catch on bait the more the bias grows.
Us Fishermen and women are weird people. We all have our own preferences and biases that contradict the next guys.
If you’re confident in something, fish it hard and you’ll do well.
While I don’t have data to support using bait, all of the guys who catch a lot of fish that live in Ladner use bait, and only bait, so help me cod!
While I don’t have data to support using bait, all of the guys who catch a lot of fish that live in Ladner use bait, and only bait, so help me cod!
I don’t doubt they do! My only point is that people who are religious about one specific lure type/color/fishing style likely haven’t put them all to an equal test, and are subjects of herd mentality and/or bias. For the record, I also use bait as that’s what I’m confident in. Is it better than spoons? Maybe, maybe not.
A bit off topic from reports now so I’ll start a separate thread.
Would love to see the data to support this. I suspect that when guides get started in their early careers, they’re taught that bait is king, and never really give artificials the same chance. Then the more they catch on bait the more the bias grows.
Us Fishermen and women are weird people. We all have our own preferences and biases that contradict the next guys.
If you’re confident in something, fish it hard and you’ll do well.

Fishing in a terminal fishery is not fishing offshore VI or on the North Coast.
Tackle fished correctly will pull fish very quickly in the early season.
Some Alaskan Trollers still needle herring or fish bait as well because when you're putting money in the bank it's hard to argue with something that works just that much better.
There's no "data" to support this but the ratio is at times as high as 4 to 1 or more in a terminal fishery. I've experienced this personally as have many other people.
Would love to see the data to support this. I suspect that when guides get started in their early careers, they’re taught that bait is king, and never really give artificials the same chance. Then the more they catch on bait the more the bias grows.
Us Fishermen and women are weird people. We all have our own preferences and biases that contradict the next guys.
If you’re confident in something, fish it hard and you’ll do well.

Make your own data. Head down to Sandheads or the T10. Run 2 rods stacked per rigger for a total of 4 rods. Fish all the 4 flashers and 2 teaser heads the same including the same hook size and leader length. Run each rigger at the same depths as the other. Run identical spoons and hoochies on the other rigger. Run identical leader lengths per type of tackle. Now go fish that over a run of trips from now until the end of October. Keep a log. You'll reach some conclusions pretty quickly. Just my .02

Check out the social media of some of the guides-it is bait, bait, bait. Keep in mind that much of the time, the local guides have guests on the rods that have never fought a fish let alone a salmon, or a fresh Chinook. You'll see their pics, and their productivity- and they're fishing the same waters you are if not within a quarter mile of you. As Adanac said, come August- it's a bait show because- it beats everything else.
I also think a part of the reason guides use bait is because that's considered the "best" and "premium" setup as it is the most costly and widely used. If they end up not doing so well, they can't be blamed for using a cheaper setup in order to save a couple dollars.

Don't get me wrong though, I still use bait and fish in the crowd because I'm a proud sheep.
Limited out on Sunday with a 4-man crew. We did well trolling brighter flashers with chrome on one side, using bait or spoons - all was working. The usual midday lul went away - as we went deeper and kept the bite on from 91-120 feet down. We were stacking and picking up Coho on Irish cream spoons, 3.5 and small anchovies on the top rods. We kept going, throwing back the wilds and one sockeye - until all had their limits. Picked up 2 big Harrison whites today - 25 and 28 pounds, super chrome so still early - yay! One weekend warrior in a small open-top boat was within 10 feet of us when we had a fish on, and tangled into our gear cost us a bunch of gear. I will have to yell at them to back off next time. I was busy landing a fish until I noticed them and that we had a cannonball off a considerable angle, and we lost it, as well as a swarm dummy flasher rig. 100 dollars gone. Ah well cost of being out there with so many boats I guess. Was a great day regardless!
Yesterday was a real choppy when we arrived at 9:00 and a little wet having neglected to put our extra forward and side canvas on our 19 foot Campion.
First hour we landed two teener white chinooks which were fabulous for our two visitors from back east and we were excited this was the day! Unfortunately things dropped right off after that and we lost a couple and that was it for the day leaving around 1:00 p.m. only about 30 boats out there when we left and we were seeing hardly any action after it slowed down for us. Both fish were starting to color up a bit not the chromers I had last week. Tried deep for a while as well. All hits were on cop car spoon nothing on the hoochie or anchovy.
On a side note when we got back to the dock some person after leaving their bloody mess all over the dock from cleaning their fish laid all the fish roe along a 6 ft section of dock timber rail. Impossible for anybody to step out of their boat or tie up their lines there and likely there will be a smelly residue there for some time to come. Real smart.
Take it with you and clean your fish somewhere else.
No way! So good. 19ft Grady, freedom I think they call it- it’s my father in laws boat- sandheads, we left Sunday around 1230pm and halfway to hs bay I thought- crap the net. We were headed North…. Anyhow- if we can get it back, great. If not- at least it’s not sitting at the bottom of the drink! Thx so much
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