SOOKE Reports, Fall/Winter 2010/2011

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Took some people out today we got 3 nothing big standard winters all of them on spoons.
And what a beauty day out there it was (kinda) warm with no wind LOL accually awsome ...

x2 to that Wolf. It was warm I was fishing in a TeeShirt (With a touqe on of course) and had to even pull out my sunglasses at times to see the rod. I got one about 4 pounds and let it go. A few sea bass and a 6-7 pound ling.

Once again the only thing to show is 3 monster dungees. Atleast there are those around and the past few days they have been HUGE!!!! Will have to throw some pics up!

thanks fishflyguy and sammyslabber. I have to get a hernia repaired and I'm told I can't lift anything over 5 lbs for a month at least. How that's going to work with two little ones running around, I have no idea. I'm getting it done now so I can be right ready for some hali and then the springs! I can't wait! I wanted to get out today, but kids were sick. I'm envious of all you guys that got out. Hope you feel better soon Sammy, that can be nasty. Maybe I'll pm u while I'm sitting on my butt doing nothing for a month.
Good luck bigmeal i just had the same op on dec17th the first 4 days are horrible but gets better quick. been back fishing since boxing day but taking it easy. It it crazy hard not to pick up the little one's but now the wife can put her on my lap to play for a while. A few more weeks and i'll be back to work !
If i rememember from recent reports Bananas had a hernia opp. seems to be @ it again by the looks of recent reports from Whirl bay & Connie bnk. hopefully on a selfserv. trip program. How about Trev. any hints for Biggy? let us know if the 1 pint arm curls over the holidays helped!
Happy New Year to the fleet;
Cheers ...Sammy
Hey Bananas thanks, I've heard of quite a few guys now having to get their hernia's fixed. 7 days later and you're fishing, now that's some serious healing. Glad to see you're back at it! I am going to have a tough time sitting around for that long as I'm a little A.D.D. The only other thing I'm worried about is when my 5 year old decides to spontaneously wrestle and do the full out dive on to me lol lol. Keep those fishing reports coming so I have something to read. thanks for all the well wishes.
HAHA ya 7 days and i'm fishin But i'm just driving the rig and my buds are doin the fishing. Still have 3 weeks before i can lift over 10lbs. It's freakin tuff i'm not the guy to just do nothin all day.Thank god for my wife the first 2 days it was like she was looking after 2
I ruptured my right bicep tendon last year and was useless for 5 months... ok, more useless... it's amazing how fast you get used to watching your wife work though! :) Besides, it's winter and your not really missing anything anyway.
Yah bananas that's what I will probably do. I'll be driver for tubbed out when ever we go next. Hopefully I can pull the same stunt and do it a week later. I love winters, their tasty! Addicted, How the heck did you rupture your bicep tendon? 5 months, that would really suck!
Too much weight lifting, turning 35, and trying to lift a log away from the boat launch at flemming.... Sure it sucked but I got to watch Wolf lift the anchor during hali season and i was ready for the summer! :) Any more word on the winters boys? Gettin bigger or are they all still around that 5-8lb mark?
A lot of boards are getting it right now....... Some a lot worse than this
The spam is probably coming from out of country, mostly Asia I should think. You can tell from the very poor English and grammar!! 8-)
I guess the technical guys responsible for running this site have got to come up with some more security mechanisms. Should at least be able to eliminate the "autoposts" coming from rogue software programs written by these guys.....
Could have been promissing today, threw 2 back, but only fished for about an hour out Sooke harbour before being blown off the water. It was combat fishing, too much work to keep the boat straight. Was more fun to go home and watch the SEAHAWKS win.
Kayladog, so much for big wave dave and 5-10 winds.

I also fished yesterday and agree it was a little lumpy. We fished out front and down to the trailer park and back, I saw very little bait and only one fish on the screen. We hit three fish (20"+-) and released all three.

Crabing was OK (6) but the star fish have moved in and each trap had a couple extra large ones.
Yep fish in sooke yesterday snuck out for a bit cool to fish in a snow storm brought home dinner crabbing sucks..

any reports boys ...... Bigmeal is going stir crazy after his surgery .

hope your feeling better buddy .

maybe sat ????

Trolled from Fraser to Whirl, Hit one off Church...My little one helped reel. A few crab made for a great morning. Heard of another, but sounded slow. About a dozen or more boats out.

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