SOOKE Reports, Fall/Winter 2010/2011

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I agree, best is usually last week Nov till Christmas, January is usually slower.
weather has been so $hitty, it's put a serious screw into the fishing
Be honest, your fishing time has been reduced because you've been on the end of a hose the past couple of weeks waiting for that gas tank to top up. :)
Snuck out to whirl for a quick fish with the girls,one was green in 45 minutes but we bonked one.


Happy German Girl with her first Salmon.
That is one tasty looking fish (I have none..........need to get out)

You comin out for the boxing day derby J????
I prescribe one punch of an unruly.. :D
Out yesterday Whirl bay through back two small ones Bonked 10.5 purple haze 180ft on the riggers 240ft of water
Hit the bluffs with the big bad Wolf today for a couple hrs... managed 3 around the 12lb mark... bottom with anything that twirled seemed to work... crabbing was pretty good too! Thanks again Roy! Looking forward to boxing day!
Thumbs up guys....... The back said couldn't play today :( Really wanted to be there
A couple nice clippies there....... but no matter hatcheries don't work :rolleyes:
Went out today near trap shack and got 1 in the boat. Had a double header, but managed to lose them both. Good size fish the brief time I saw them. Still had a lot of fun and it was dead calm for the first time this months it seems like. All fish were hooked at 140 feet on the riggers. Only a few of us out there, sorry u missed a good day tubbed out.
Well done to the winners,, some dandy fish there..

Roy looks like the happiest guy on the Island right there lol..

P.S. thats a bottle of C.C. ( Canadian Club) not Crown Royal..
Winter Chinook - still a challenge!

Well we went out today (28th) to try for the winter Chinooks for the first time. Singularly unsuccessful for these elusive fish again. Tried all along Beecher Bay past Aldridge almost as far as Beechy Head, and not a touch. I think we were deep enough (150 -200ft) since we released several small ling cod. So the 11 pounder and the three small ones we caught in the middle of the fall Coho run remain our only Chinook netted this year. Chinook are certainly much harder to catch than Sockeye or Coho (when the latter are there of course). One consolation this time was we spoke with a couple of boats out there and they had not caught anything either. This beginner is looking forward to the Pink run next summer – at least it is possible to catch those!
I have been out for two short fishes in Sooke this holiday, this morning and earlier this week...both no joy. We had 1 hit today at 140 on bait, off the trailer park. Guys at my dock caught one or two each over last few days, again off the trailer park, but it's on the slow side.

Englishman: winter spring fishing can be just as easy as pink fishing, when the fish are around in numbers....pretty much any lure just off the bottom and it is non-stop action. It's great for a few weeks, then it stops just as quickly as it started, as they head off to somewhere else, following the bait. So....when you start hearing great reports like on here 2-3 weeks ago, head out right away and get some fish ... if you wait a week, they might be gone!
One thing to keep in mind Englishman is that quite often only the reports with fish caught get posted. Not always, but I bet there are lots of no fish trips not mentioned here by some pretty good anglers. So don't get to upset when you have a trip with no action, it happens to us all.
Well Ill post what happend for you as not to feel bad friday when we went Addicted and I did a 3 hour fish and in that time we got into them taking a few home for dinner and let a few go was just fun being on the water.
SUNDAY was the derby that we were in we hit about 7 and only landed 2 but one being a nice one here is a pic.

On monday I had some people out from edmonton (BTW they like our weather) LOL
and was able to scratch up 3 about 8 to 10 lbs and let a small one go but it was tough to get them,
Went out yesterday for 2 hours a addicted want to take his nieces and nephews and his daughter out so knew it was going to be short trip we got 1 but let it go it was very tough fishing.All days the crabbing wasnt bad 4 to 6 a day.

Good luck Wolf


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Hey Wolfie. I run the green mr3 aswell. Love the colour of it. BTW nice fish. Should be out in the next couple days weather permitting.

HUH green mr3???

That a trophy reel and berkley big game green on the reel. I dont own any MR3s too much money LOL
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