SOOKE Reports, Fall/Winter 2010/2011

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Thanks for the posts and encouragement Juandesooka, Profisher and Wolf. We obviously chose a bad day if even Wolfie was only able to get one on Tuesday in two hours. We were out there 4 hours without a bite so that just demonstrates the difference between the experts and the beginners! LOL.
I will watch these posts as Juandesooka says and time our trips better. However, I have been waiting for the weather to calm down as well and I am not going out in the seas that some folks seem to venture out in, good reports or not. I may be an Englishman but I am no Sir Francis Drake!! LOL
Wolf- Huh, your right. I glaced at the pics and thought it was an MR3. The reason I mentioned it is because there were not alot of them made in the hunter green colour. My dad and fishing buddies run the trophy reels and I have an MR3 because i bought it new and spooled for only 45$ more then i woulda got the trophy for.

Englishman- Just keep in mind that if you wait to hear a success story to go fishing that those fish are no longer there. Your much better off in the winter to fish every nice weather day you get and learn the area. Ive had days where ive gotten 15 fish and other have gotten non because I found a huge ball of bait on 10 ft from the bottom and marked it on my GPS. I had 4 consecutive double headers with no action other then when i went over the ball of bait. Keep at it and try and keep your gear near the bottom.

Tough weather but we put 5 in the box to 8lbs and 5 more lost at the boat by the Aussie gang. Whirl and Bedfords. Not hot, we were at it for 6 hrs, but good considering big tides and slop today.
Jellyfish Squirts and Choves in Bloodynose. They are there but you gotta dig hard to bottom.

Those crabs look good :rolleyes:
Smiley, I still can remember the days when I watched my childhood fish gods out fishing me, every day. It drove me to learn and it did take time and lots of questions and some prodding. Eventually you get enough info and technique behind you that you can start to develop your own methods, which are still based on some old time proven techniques that someone else developed years ago. I should thank all those who in the early years that gave me some time, guidance shared a secret or two to get me started.
Fished today Whirl bay - aldridge 8:30-3:30 3 hits nothing stuck. Forgot the GPS and Depth sounder at home. Was fishing with my mental GPS. I dident loose any gear but i dident get any fish. Back at er tomorrow. Any tips guys? I know there were a good number of fish caught today and a few in the mid teens weighed in at cheanuh.

Was out today The Head to possesion. 4 small ling and a rock cod is all. Dident mark much bait at all. and never heard of anyone getting into anything today.

Went out this morning from Pedder and had to break ice just to get out. It was like a 1/2" thick! Fished Whirl and Church with no success and decided to try Pedder Bay just out from the can. had a double header, both were just legal and I decided to let them go. Pick up two 10 lbers instead at 180 feet on the riggers. What a great day.
Wow 180ft I thought i was the only one who ventures down to the abyss for them. Used to catch lots of winters jigging in 260 ft. Somtimes one of the funnest ways to catch them!

Was out in cheanuh again yesterday. No bait and no fish. Talked to 5 other boats with not even a bite. Maybe today if weather permits!

Went out on Friday all I can say is good thing for a heater on a boat LOL we hit a few but they didnt want to stick. still fun to hang with friends ...
Ill be out monday got to give them new riggers a test again, and its got the braided crap on it verdict is still not good the blow back is way more than the wire I use, me thinks ill still stay with the wire....

Good luck Wolf
Well another sad day for the Flyguy! Not even a sniff. Yikes. Gonna take a week break.

1 legal male dungee aswell.

4 hour tour... Bedfords-Whirl. 1 small spring bout 4-5 lbs released right off the bat. Then Nada, 2 nice crabs.

Yo Mama, tell me you lit it up on the change after we left? Amazing weather, felt spoiled fish or not.
Wow 180ft I thought i was the only one who ventures down to the abyss for them. Used to catch lots of winters jigging in 260 ft. Somtimes one of the funnest ways to catch them!

Yah Fishflyguy, I dropped em down deep, but there was a lot of blowback on the lines so it was probably actually 140. I got one last week with 220 on the rigger and that was about the deepest I've ever gone. Couldn't find them at any other level that day. I even called out on the radio to the few boats around me what depth I was finding them at, just to be helpful. No response, no thanks, no chat and yes my radio was working lol. Kind of weird, but what do I know? Still new at this whole salmon fishing game and have A LOT more to learn. Going to head out maybe Tuesday and giver another go.
Well congrats on the sucess. Your doing the right thing by trying deeper. I usually start around 90 ft in the winter and work into deeper water. The past few trips have been slow. But i hear the waterfront has been alot better past few days then sooke. Will give it a go tomorrow and or tues depending on weather. Im on 68 everytime im out. "Fishflyguy" on the radio. give me a shout out on tues and see if im out!

yah I will give you a call if I get out. I'm Bigmeal obviously, give me a shout as well. I try to get out once a weekend, but I will be out of commission for a couple of months with an up coming operation.
Hi Big Meal Im also on the mend from a sudden ruptured appendix over the holidays! So as the old dude on the Canucks Radio announcer would say" a special shout out to the shut inns" Oh yeh GO Canada !
Ie:Go deep balls to the walls works for me 23 1/2 # off church in Feb.( per. best winter ever) 189' in 190' giant cloud of bait on bottom so aired it out the rigger (already @ 150') Little Jimmy squirt & haze flasher did the trick.
Quick recovery post opp Biggy P.m me for a fish chat!
Good Luck ....Sammy S
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