SOOKE Reports, Fall/Winter 2010/2011

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Selective Pressure

I believe you are dead right PoppaSwiss. Apply a constant selective pressure to any species and it adapts. It does that because the selective pressure causes one genetic trait to be favoured over the other. Keep the pressure up long enough (and we anglers certainly do that don't we!!) i.e. over a few generations of the species, and the species changes. From the finches and tortoises of the Galapagos to the salmon of the west coast, the laws of evolution are constant and inevitable as Darwin so beautifully described.
I put it down to the more frequent visits by our local and hungry resident Killer Whales. When there were more fish (food) through the entire summer the whales could hang in one area and not have to troll around for them. The more often salmon are chased the more they tend to sound and stay down. The nets when they fished every week at the entrance to the straits did the same thing to a degree.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Cccrrrraaaabbbbs. Nice scramble pic!
Yeah, nice ride Justin!
What is it and what sterndrive are you running in it?
Yes lots of crab around, all hard shells too.

24 0sprey 270hp volvo with a DPS drive. Had it close to a year now, and sure love it!

Sould be some slabs out your way this season Craven, they are sure a big average for November. Christmas should be fun!
Was out on Saturday and the fishing was on fire between about 8:30-11:00 could not keep more then one rod in the water the whole time. Most fish between the 4-7 pound range but also found a few in the teens and one in the twenties. Usual spots and depths outta Sooke.
Hey its just a theory but it makes sense if the deep running fish make up the majority of the fish on the spawning beds, then whatever piece of genetic code that made them run deep is passed on.

I've talked to a couple of guides from river's inlet who were saying the same thing, fishing deeper then years past and came to the same conclusion. It makes sense in my mind, but its just a theory.

I agree with Poppa Swiss. We've noticed the same thing down here in Puget Sound for a number of years now. Years ago we NEVER fished Coho depper than 60 feet, even on a full bright sunny day. Little by little the returning Coho began running deeper and deeper. Now it's fish them shallow at 1st light but as soon as the sun comes up it's GO Deep. The "genetic code that makes them run deep" theroy is prevelent down here and has been for some time now.
Currently blowin 100kmh in the area.

You call that a blow kelly?

lol.... It is windy but not raining. Good reminder
Out for a couple of hours with a film crew shooting a TV show. Kept 3 out of 5, largest was 10 pounds. The morning started fine then 15 minutes later blowing 25 to 30 and driving rain. Just a cold crappy and wet morning. Became something like a Deadliest catch episode. Stuck it out long enough to get the shot then we buggered off quick. Trailer park was the spot, all at 90ft and a coyote.
Out for a couple of hours with a film crew shooting a TV show. Kept 3 out of 5, largest was 10 pounds. The morning started fine then 15 minutes later blowing 25 to 30 and driving rain. Just a cold crappy and wet morning. Became something like a Deadliest catch episode. Stuck it out long enough to get the shot then we buggered off quick. Trailer park was the spot, all at 90ft and a coyote.

Was it kinda like this all over agin but with rougher weather? :p

A star is born or maybe where in for another trailer park series boys!
I never laughed so hard the first time I came across that one. I called Gord to let him know that was online and it turns out it was a group I gave him as I couldn't take them. (I would be in Nootka) That made it even funnier!!! Apparently the guy yelling reel, reel was still drunk from the night before. After I stopped laughing I sort of felt bad giving them that trip...just for a second. LOL Sammy, yes the new Trailer park series might have a Deadliest catch twist combined with some sort of bubbles.
After re-reading my last, I meant felt bad giving him that trip, not them. The guy yelling would have annoyed me after 10 hours together in a small space. Glad I was out of town!!
anyone know how the fishing is out there lately?? Going to head out in the morning just wondering how the fishing was! Will report back tommorow. Thanx
yep good bite around noon fished head -trap hit 6 lost a nice pin popper 1/2 way up kept 2; 7 & 12 lb between 115-125' plastic & spoon .RH another member went the other way (whirl Bay) got into some decent action & an xtra bonus he scooped hundreds of 6-8" herring boy they were butes! The larger fish we had was a hatchery porker with that kind of bait out there they should be some plump gobblers by Xmas. Go get em trophy good luck Sammy
Nice work Sammyslabber, I was the Arima with white top next to you for a while at the head. Tubbed out and I decided it was time to get fishing again and it looks like things are picking up. We were able to pull up a nice fat 14 lber in the trough right on the bottom 180 feet.
Sammy Was that you I talked to at the cleaning table ??

Yea Bigmel and I had a great day on the water . Nice fish , fat and strong , couple nice little runs from that one, eh BM . Next time IM not gona let you get to the rod ...
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