Sooke Reports - 2007

We limited again with 4 springs today, was a good day but sort of was ruined by the 60+ foot seine boat setting his nets amongst all the sport fishing boats on the tack! The Fu**in butt hole all most ran us down a few times!! He was actually behind our gear at one point 50 feet. from us!. That is total Bull CRAP!! He did one net set not less than 20 yard from the front of your boat..!!! we had get out of the way of his nets.. cause he cut right in front of us droppping his nets!!! we took many pictures of this.. Yammy5 will post the pictures shortely to show how close and inconsiderate this seiner was. We have all the pictures we need and will be writing a letter to DFO... This is unaceptable and dangerous fishing practice so close to the sport fishing fleet !
The Rock said it ~ this guy was way out of line and it was dangerous. He ran alongside the fleet to intimidate us and push us off the sardines so he could make his sets. There's no way he should have been seining in a fleet of sportfishing boats not to mention he was right on the migration path of Chinook and Coho. He did 2 sets right at Muir Creek and pratically ran us over on the second set. After each set they drifted thru the fleet of sport boats as they emptied the net of literally tens of tons of sardines. What kind of fish management is this?? Sardines were once the number one food source for chinook and coho in the but they fished them to near extinction 40 years ago for pet food and fertilizer. The first time they show up since then and DFO sends out the seine boats to wipe them out again?? For what, pet food?? At the expense of our fish stocks?? This is bullsh*t.





Every thing aside that is one kick a$s boat... I thought those F$ckers were suppose to be broke... Looks like their doing o.k to me....I tell you what if they cut me off I would cut them off no bull sh@t,, I would cut them off...
It's an incredibly effective killing machine and it shouldn't be fishing our endangered stocks. Especially for pet food. We held our ground when they came at us on their second set and it got pretty close so bailed out at the last moment and so did they. Brutal. Total BS.
DFO is government, and we all know government has no common sense!!!So they will probably screw our fish stocks forever within a few years:(.
See you on the water[8D] (if there is any fish left)
Ouch! Very large monster machine scooping up the fish stocks. I think DFO officials are trying to ensure seiners take all the fish out and then seiner staff will be unemployed with no fishing seasons forever. DFO top officials telling the truth? I doubt it.
Wow, i have seen it all now, is that the third rock off Otter and he is setting in less than 80 feet by the beach it looks to me. That makes me Sick! I can't believe they can actualy Seine in area 20 yet we are skinned for a unpinched hook. I wonder if any Springs came over the drum. What a bunch of ignorant ****s, you would think the lack of Sox this year would ring some DFO bells.
Sickening. :( DFO are totally nuts. Ban all seine boats on this coast forever. Go back to higher quality trolled fish. Ottawa is making sure the western separatist will succeed in their quest.
Absolutely unacceptable. Thats way over the line. Did anyone radio them and tell em to bugger off? What about the coast guard, anyone hail them?
quote:Originally posted by Poppa Swiss

I hope you guys find the time to properly report them - thats BS

The question is: what will/can the Transportation Safety Board do? Unfortunately, they are not an enforcement agency like Transport Canada.
I'm researching contacts this morning so I know where to send letters and photos. Here's what I've got so far ~ any other suggestions?

The Honourable Loyola Hearn
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
Parliament Buildings, Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1A 0A6

Director General's Office

William (Bill) Nash
613-998-0610 Director General
Marine Safety - AMS
Sandra Constant
613-998-0612 Executive Assistant
Marine Safety - AMS
Sonia Denton-Henry
613-998-0611 Acting Administrative Coordinator
Marine Safety - AMS
Isabella Tucci
613-993-8626 TSB & Issues Management Advisor
Marine Safety - AMS

Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street, 11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
E-mail :
Fax Number : 613-954-1032

For more information, contact:

Regional Office:
Office of Boating Safety
Transport Canada
730 - 800 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2J8 Mailing Address:
Office of Boating Safety
Transport Canada
620 - 800 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2J8
Telephone Number: (604) 666-2681
Facsimile Number: (604) 666-5444
E-mail: OBS Pacific

Office/Mailing Address:
Office of Boating Safety
Transport Canada
501 - 1230 Government Street
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3M4

Fisheries Management Contacts
Contact Us!
#200 - 401 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3S4
A/Regional Director
Don Radford

A/Director of Resource Management Program Delivery
Steven Wright

A/Director Resource Management - Program Development
Al Macdonald

Area Director, South Coast
Ron Kadowaki

A/Resource Manager - Pelagics
Harpreet Gill

South Coast Area Chief -
Fisheries Management
Gordon McEachen
Local MPs, local MLAs, Times Colonist, The Province, Global TV, CTV, etc. [}:)]
When you send out to that list, make sure to include a CC list so its clear to all the recipients whom else has received the info.
I wouldn't be surpised if you could get the Times to run something on the issue. You got some great photos and its not only there were being reckless they are also fishing a resource that hasn't been seen in the area in a long long time.
quote:Originally posted by Poppa Swiss

I wouldn't be surpised if you could get the Times to run something on the issue. You got some great photos and its not only there were being reckless they are also fishing a resource that hasn't been seen in the area in a long long time.

I assume that fishing for that resource in that area must be legal, even if many of us find it morally reprovable. Otherwise, the DFO would/should have stopped them by now. The main issues as far as I see are the safety of the people onboard the sportfishing boats and the seiner's seemingly bullyish attitude.
Heard they even cut in tight into the bay at the Head just before that screwing up a buddy of mine that was trolling...probably checking for action in the area and then moved on..

Given that it was likely a 'legal' fishery, I think it makes sense to approach say the media with the DFO mismanagement angle...while you are at it, use the example of the wild coho restrictions where guides in Renfrew for example go through 20-50 of them a day at times just to hit the few hatcheries you can keep (just releasing them with a gaff as well, thus not encouraging the high survival rates on C&R that DFO claims). Just give us our 2 or 4 coho no matter what they are..even put an annual limit...who cares...just this 50 caught to keep 2 or 4 is ridiculous and a prime example of DFO doing more harm than good...

Stuff like that :D
Has anyone stopped to think about what it looks like from the commercial fishermans side? They are very lucky to get this small opening.

What gives sport fisherman the right to fish Muir creek 365 days/year?

I am not supporting the DFO or commercial fishing but when the DFO does grant a commercial opening I think the sport fisherman should get out of the way.

We are both on the same team here. Do you really think the commercial fisherman want to wipe out the ocean stocks? They just take what they are given, like the rest of us.
Gunna wiegh in on this one a little, I heard what this boat was doing and I was not out there that day but know lots of people that saw it, I am not a commercail fisherman but did deckhand for a few years and that was a few year ago.
That boat would not have been illegally fishin and there is a good chance that that boat only had a sub area or two to fish. They are constantly monitored through their unique gps antenna transmissions. These guys are out to make a buck and they have to to maximize what they put into that boat for the little time they have to fish it costs a bit of dough just to fire the thing up. You guys were proably taching through the thick of them or he would have been elsewhere. These guys know how to handle a boat that size better than three quarters of the sporties fishin out here runnin 15-25 footers, sure it scares the crap outta you but he new what he was doing, when ya start trying to deke him that is where the trouble starts cause would be expecting you to keep your tach and that net pretty much needs to be set properly, they will come close to ya.
As for the amount of fish for some reason right now there is plenty, in the last 2 weeks I have been all over from renfrew to vic by water and they are everywhere, never seen anything like it.
Not trying to start anything but trying to put a different point of view on the subject because this seeming pretty one sided, everybody has rights to the water. [8D]

Edit: once those boats start their set they are committed. If we whine enough they will close us before them.

.....and there proably should have been a coast guard announcement on ch 16