lessons learned from buying a 10 year old boat

You do remember that @Bill 310 has a brand new spanking aluminum?
Not like me and you with heavily oxidized aluminum that has been liberally doused with blood and other bodily fluids for decades.
I have not used salt away for the above reason.

Boat is coming up on year 3. In the water in a covered slip 12 months of the year . Oxidization is aging her beautifully. The wrappd cabin, motors, decks, hatches, windows, are the beneficiaries of this Salt Away application methodology.
Boat is coming up on year 3. In the water in a covered slip 12 months of the year . Oxidization is aging her beautifully. The wrappd cabin, motors, decks, hatches, windows, are the beneficiaries of this Salt Away application methodology.
Time flies when you are in love!
Boat is coming up on year 3. In the water in a covered slip 12 months of the year . Oxidization is aging her beautifully. The wrappd cabin, motors, decks, hatches, windows, are the beneficiaries of this Salt Away application methodology.
3 years 3 footitus. Make it 5 foot 5 yearitus and I'll crack the code on our US sales. We had an order for 10 plumbers from NY to California for my headhunting business this week. Just need to make 1.42 dollars and I can buy a nice used boat some day!
3 years 3 footitus. Make it 5 foot 5 yearitus and I'll crack the code on our US sales. We had an order for 10 plumbers from NY to California for my headhunting business this week. Just need to make 1.42 dollars and I can buy a nice used boat some day!
If you are headhunting for American clients, then charge American dollars.
Ya some of the new boat owners are in for a ride, I said it before, owning a boat is one thing, having disposable income to keep it running is another, can’t even imagine not being able to fix simple stuff and going to a shop all the time, like said before lean to fix yourself or sell it now, your WTF days have just started lol
@James Brant , One thing I would recommend you do on your SS is jack up the boat off the trailer and inspect the hull where the trailer bunks contact it while it is sitting. I did this recently on my '17 SS Race Rocks and have found that a small area has significant corrosion and pitting that needs to be fixed. Worth a quick look. SS claims it is a known issue, and the solution is plastic bunk slides to keep the bunks up off of the carpet.
interestingly, i put plastic bunk slides on a month ago, just because the carpet was starting to wear through. i think i'll wait until next summer and maybe go for a swim under the boat to have a look. too complicated to get it off the trailer right now and not possible at my home.
I learnt about trailer brakes, among other things. Dragging brake shoes, jammed parts, and the gentle art of backing down a steep-ish driveway without locking the surge actuator so the trailer can be unhitched.

Ive been through the complete brake progression: adjust shoe clearances --> disconnect hydraulic line --> remove all drum internals --> replace surge hitch with solid.

Trailer is up near the limit for mandatory trailer brakes. My only regret is phucking around with it as long as I did, trying to make it work. Much happier running brakeless.