Sooke Reports - 2007

Getting pretty slow, yet i have faith that they are not done yet? May be a late run of whities pushing through still....The waterfront fish have not appeared in numbers yet, maybe still to come. Go get em Scott!
Sooke was on fire today 4 springs biggest 27 all over 20.
Two Large hatchery coho 10 and 15.
Out again tomorrow.
Anyone heard how Wolf did today?
Wouldnt say it was "HOT" was just ok codfish got lucky today when you go past all the guide boats and none of them have fish it is very slow the creel survey guy when i chatted to him saw 1 fish come in and that was 4 pm so its your judgement call as to it being on fire!!!!!out today ill let you know!!!its like june fishing again spots of fish in areas and if your lucky enough to bump into a school right on.

Good luck wolf
Hey no problem he outfished me THAT day and trust me I can take a ribbing like most people I just woundnt call it "hot" it is a struggle out there right now if you find a pocket of fish and get some good on ya but it is really SLOW. and I hate it from a week ago when its was "SMOKING HOT" to know its kinda scary especially with these big incoming flood tides there should be fish around ?????????it has me perplexed thats for sure one last trip thank god for a couple of days.

Good luck Wolf
Hey Hsu Harar,
Why don't you introduce yourself to me maybe talk to the people at the marina and look at the pics they take of the fish me and my guests catch. I've had a run in with you once before on this site. Why don't you come and introduce yourself in person instead of hiding behind some stupid name. I wasn't calling down Wolf I simply wanted to know how he did in his secret spot.
Cheers Codfish
PS Didn't do so well today 3 on the gear none to the boat. Happens to the best of us sometimes I guess.
well i am going to finally get out this wk, hopefully tommorrow will be good, can't be over yet, that rain and cool weather probably pushed the fish we had , but i am sure there are more coming if renny is still producing,some of those fish have to come by here, but on a side note coho are already checking out the san juan, so the cooler temps and rain have probably pushed alot of fish on their way, that is the best i can come up with wolf;), maybe i can out do ya tommorrow, i know you kicked my butt last wkend, only one in the 20's for 2 days of hitting it hard
good luck to all
For the record I have no problem with dave at all just one but we will discuss that at a later date over a few beers and a bulls&*t session[:p][:p]It has been a very long season and ill admit I am a bit tired and cranky like a big bear LOL which I am, need to hibernate for a bit to recharge the batteries plus the fact that it is coming to an end is bitter sweet the nights are getting cool and mornings chilly fall is just around the corner and hunting season to begin have fun and relax its all good boys.

Ill be out tomorrow as well ,with Tek11 We`ll be around the head
18 ft double eagle hard top , ill monitor ch 68

call me

Nice job wolf pulling it back to a sensible discussion. Sounds like I am not the only one struggling and wanting to prolong the season.

Sooke can be like my wife, love it some days and hate it others.

Overall I think the September fishing is still not completed as I don't think the Sooke fish or the whites have come thru in any real nuumbers.
It seems to me that all the fishing all the way up WCVI is best offshore and not a lot of numbers inshore like there should be.Just a hunch,but I think we are in for a slobberknocker in the next few weeks
Gonna take out the girls today. Are the pinks still running around Sooke? Tide lines or in tight? Thanks.
quote:Originally posted by Hoochiebob

It seems to me that all the fishing all the way up WCVI is best offshore and not a lot of numbers inshore like there should be.Just a hunch,but I think we are in for a slobberknocker in the next few weeks

I don't think the big run that a lot of people are predicting is going to come.

I think all of the whites everyone is waiting for along with other fraser fish made off with the sockeye's. If the mortality rate for sockeye was so bad during their smolt year then why wouldnt it be the same for springs? Since most springs are 4 year fish that is why the numbers are low. Same reason the coho never made it back last year (they are a 3 year fish, so they share the same smolt year as this years sockeye and most of the springs).

Next year should be a better season.
Well we got 3 today and you will never guess all 3 were white/marble but it was a bit snotty with that SE wind got them before it really hit hard saw a few more caught it accually looked alright even with the big seine boat collecting pilcherds funny how the were almost extinct here for the longest time and bam now a commercial opening what the F&*k is going on with our fisheries dumb founded again by them????????

Good to hear you're still bringin a few in wolf.... Sounds like its been a little slow lately... Hope you guys can still bring in a few for the clients you have yet to come....
Fished Friday, Saturday and Sunday and only managed to bring home an 11 pound hatchery coho (we ate a 4 pounder on Saturday night). We lost one small unidentified fish and released one wild coho. NOT HOT!! Next trip is on Thanksgiving...

Fished Secretary from 1200 to 1700 yesterday, picked up 3 springs from 8 to 14 lbs and 2 wild coho between 12 and 14 lbs. 70 to 90 ft on the rigger, nice day for a sleep in trip.
i should have known wolfy would kick my butt today, i stayed at possesion and only saw one spring caught all day (not me), i assume wolf was at his usual stomping grounds, i did not want to run that way in case the wind picked up more it would be a long rough ride for me, good on ya wolf, and i heard about those seiners [xx(], what a joke, first year in how long the pilchards have been that thick and now they are going to clean em out, how about wait a few years till they are consistently strong, the one hatchery coho we got today had the biggest pilchard in its gut, cant believe it bothered with our anchovie
nice day anyways ;)