Sooke Reports - 2007

Don't worry about it Roy. Without all the information that you have given me over the past few years, I doubt that we would even have hooked it. I'm just playin with ya....S#!& Happens!
did anyone else have not to much luck today, wow never seen it so quiet , only seen one spring brought in, and even the pinks were hard to find today, by far my toughest day yet this year, put in over 10hrs and not one spring, ouch[V]
oh good, not just me...I only saw 3 or 4 small ones caught, hit Secretary hard and trap shack...not a sniff...went to look for pinks and coho, and only had a brief hit on the surface while my released line was coming up. I figured the fact that boats were so spread out said it was slow out there. Waste of a nice day out on the water!
We went after a first fish for my friend's 8 year old and got 4 pinks between 3 and 5:30 pm.Didn't try for springs but it sounded slow.
Awful fishing out there yesterday (Sat). Trolled Bechey-Secretary and everywhere in Between. Even worked the bluffs for awhile. One pink to show for it and did not see a single spring hooked. Are they gone already? Was like fishing a dessert. Saw a few on the sonar but not biting. At least the weather cooperated.
Was out yesterday and it was slow, I mean it was dead out there. I started out at Otter and got nothing. Picked up and went to Sherringham, had a good scrape with about a 13 lb wild coho, and a couple of small pinks. That was my excitment for a 12 hr. day on the water.
Say it isn't so. Wolf? Tailspin?

I'm have not been able to get out in Sooke for the last couple of weeks. Finally out tomorrow.

Nice and flat out there today, 1 Spring and 15 pinks in the box for us, pretty slow for Springs in general. Seems the further west one goes, the better it gets. Fuel up and run to Sombrio until the big floods hit i guess??? Some guys ran to the waterfront from Pedder today searching hard.Uci is Stacked with fish in the ditch out front, i am fathful that it has yet to turn on heavy[:p]!
Uncle Roy did indeed BUMP into a few ill say very lucky for the amount of bait out there man incredible never seen it like that before even snagged 2 pilchers and do they ever bounch the rods and downriggers,
Back to the fish found a beutiful "GREAT WHITE" 39 lbs and a 27 lb red to go with it great day and fun people the girl even washed and gutted the pinks wasnt scared to get her hands dirty thats for sure LOL



Good luck Wolf
The Pilchards were incredible today, never seen the schools so thick, at times the sounder signal would not read the bottom through the schools and the deapth would read 30ft! We managed three nice springs in the mid 20lb. range and a 10lb. hatchery Coho.. a fun day out on the water.
Well Jeez, I have been visiting this forum for a long while and its time I jumped in. Thanks to everyone who Posts here and I hope after tomorrow, I will have something to offer. A newbie signed up,

Island Idiots
Good job boys and nice fish...
uhh dumb flat lander question but what are pilchards ????
LOL they are part of the herring family they are large about 8 to 12 inches sometimes and have dark spots on the top and sides of them they get alot in knight inlet as well
Pilchards aka sardines are related to herring. They have a few big spots and are less silvery more goldish. There used to be a number of big reduction plants on the coast that would boil them down into feed/fertilizer until they were nearly wiped out. Apparently they are making a great comeback (40 years later). Saw some 10 inch ones in the bellies of our offshore Ukee fish.

Is it time to try the 7 inch plugs in Sooke?
And for something a little different - found some cutties in Sooke. The tide was comming in and it was creating a nice current rip near one of the natural spits. In a matter of 20 minutes, we had 4 to hand. A lot of fun on the flyrod.

Heres the smallest one...
