Sooke Reports - 2007

Was anyone out in the evenings this week? I'm thinking of going out tomorrow after work.
I went out the past 2 evenings, no springs, the one evening we got 4 pinks, and last night nothing[V], but the weather has been awesome, so it was good to get out
We were at the set of currents/tides where it is the same in the morning and late afternoon i have been out the last couple of afternoons on that incoming current and doing very well.

Starting on sunday the morning currents will be stronger than the evening currents starting on the 3rd of sept it is all mornings for the whole week so get out there first light to get the hogs that are there ill be out all week and I am sure someone will get a really big one as this is the set of tides when last year a boat out there got a few fish over 40 plus (natural high)

Good luck Wolf
Sure and ill be the first one to say it has been a while for me getting a 40 as well there just isnt alot of those big boys around so if you get one you should feel very privelaged and lucky I have only heard of maybe 5 over 40 this year lots in the 16 to 25 lb range!!!!!you got to think there is probably over 200 to 300 boats on any given day fishing sooke and only a few biggies brougt in I bet you its about 2% not good odds!!!!!

Maybe this next week

Good luck Wolf
I have only got one over 40 this season in Sooke and one close in Barkley, but hope to get into another soon. The big rain that is forcast for Sun/Mon is sure going to get the Springs running hard and fast up the hill, so get them while you can. Good Luck!
Wow like I said 1 for the fleet of over 500 boats not great odds thats for sure!!!!!!!!!


Has anyone spent much time venturing past Sheringham out as far as Sombrio from Sooke? Probably not as busy in the area given the distance and lack of launch facilities out that way -- just wondering if it's worth the hour or so run?
Back from vacation and had a great time... Once again Sooke was good to us.. We were at Sunny Shores from Aug 13 to 23rd and fished 9 days great time... We put a 32,31.5,28,22 a couple in the 20 range a a couple in the 12 to 15 range the Pinks were unbelievable a nuisance actually but we did keep a few nicer ones for the bar-be and for canning.. We also were able to get 4 nice hatchery Coho as well (always a bonus)

P.S. thx for the help and info Wolf it was nice to meet and talk with you..
Here are a couple pics

32 pounds

31.5 pounds

32 and 26
Tenmile, I fish up that way sometimes,I'm old and anti social, it can be a miserable run back if it gets rough.The grass may seem greener,but they ain't jumping in the boat.Otter use to be too busy when there were 6 boats there,then Muir, then Sherigham,then....I'm back down at the old haunts, cheaper on gas, and just adjusting my style to fish among the boats.Gotta adapt. DAN
Thanks for the info on the tides and the fishing report for the evening, gents. I saw those morning and early afternoon good tides but unfortunately I'm back to work.[V] Was going to take my buddy and his boy out this evening to get a few pinks (the boy's first salmon) but I phoned him this am to cancel as the forecast sounded like the westerly was going to be honking. I'm looking out towards Race from my deck and it looks like the forecast was right. Maybe get out Saturday before the rains start.
No prob walleyes good to chat to you every morning glad you got some very nice looking fish especially that 31.5 great looking fish, we are so SPOILED on our coast where else can you go 30 min from a major city and catch good quality fish like that really makes you ponder what we have to complain about LOL I know I have before (no fish,damn seals no fish biting etc)

But we are fortunate to fish and where we live thats for sure!!!!!!!

quote:Originally posted by addicted

Windy on the water today. 3 in the boat and one lost to a wolf........;) All in all a good day!

i agree , very windy yesterday and this a.m.
wanted to get to Otter point, but too lumpy for my boat
slow from Possesion to the Trap for Springs.
only a couple of humpy's for the effort.
Im in berth #27 craven and trust me you cant miss me LOL im out all weekend and all week did notice your boat there yesterday but im out by 6 am.
Addicted I am so sorry didnt see you till last min and thought we were all good didnt see you till it was too late.
