Sooke Reports - 2007

Nope not mine but we managed another good day out there 32 to 22 and the little kid (9 years old) reeled in the 13 lber!!!



Good luck Wolf
fished 1:00- 5:30 off otter today. Caught nothing till it rained the 8 and 5lb pinks and a shaker all in 20 mins. we sure got soaked out there without the soft top. The rains have begun...
Pilchards were soooo thick at Otter Point this am? I Got a 30 something Smiley. Sure enough had 8 " fishy in his gut. Why doesn't somebody with more time than me try jigging up a couple and mooching them.
quote:Why doesn't somebody with more time than me try jigging up a couple and mooching them.
I've always been tempted by the big herring balls at the mouth of San Juan bay when we go for coho later this month. I think I'm going to try jigging up a few and try and live mooch them. Be fun to get a 20 lb coho on 4 oz weight and a couple of hooks.
Fished secretary and possesion today with a pal and released a 8 pound coho. Lots of pilchers, but not much being caught. Flat, clean water. Had a great time, good company and lots of laughs.
I. idiots
Today we brought the Herring jigs and casting rods on the boat. What a blast!!! While trolling for springs and when ever we saw the massive schools on the sounder or seen them surfacing we cast the herring jigs out!! we were getting up to 5-6 on at a time! Full jigs!.. you could hardly bring it all in.. .. We got side tracked on spring fishing and decided to target them.. stop on a school and jig them up. We filled a couple of buckets of them! It felt like we were kids again.. allot of fun ! Kept allot for bait. My father in law puts them under salt, suppose to be a specialty I will be giving him a load of them. Does any one have any good recipes for Sardines???
Yeah I was with the Rock today and what a blast that was. We loaded on the Sardines and managed a handful of Mackeral so halibut bait is well stocked for quite a while. :D I prepared a bunch tonight for pickling etc and they were all stuffed with Krill. Nice to see Sooke so healthy with marine life!


Hay yammy Or rock
where did the floor mat come from? Iam looking for some.
We got them thru Island Floor Centre in Victoria ( ). The Rock is a pro at installations and did all the work to make a custom fit ~ they are heavy duty so it requires some skill and a sharp blade. Can't recall the exact price but the colored ones are about 4X the price of the black ones. They work well and they don't get slippery but you have to be sure to rinse them well to get the blood etc out from underneath. I think Industrial Plastics has some rubber matt flooring options too.

I'm sure some other guys on this forum have flooring suggestions....
JIG, JIG, JIG!! Although there wasn't much jigging needed ~ all you have to do is get on top of a school and drop the line until it stops. By the time you've closed the bail and tightened the line you've got 2 or 3 on the gear! Very aggressive feeders. If you reel them in slowly you could end up with 5 or 6 on the line and they can make some pretty nasty knots in the jig. Once the school moves off you can get a couple casts off before you have to move the boat again. I wouldn't suggest ultra-light spinning gear as they are bigger than spawning herring, more aggressive, and there are some mackeral travelling with them so it's a heavy load when you haul 5 or 6 into the boat at once. Tons of fun.
Here's a nice Sooke image you all might enjoy,, the wife took it after I left harbour this summer... Wolf said it rite a couple threads back !!! you all don't know how lucky you have it...

I will have me a piece of it some day,,,, right by the sea.........

Anything happening? We're taking some friends from Tennessee out for the next few days and kinda promised them some fresh salmon. The tides look good...