Sooke Reports - 2007

wow there is a lot of damn coho and juvinile springs out there right now. I was into probably 6 double headers this morning on these little buggers.

The worst thing is just about every boat out there was netting, bringing them into the boat then releasing them [B)]. People do not put the net on a fish unless you know you are going to keep it, netting a fish is a guaranteed kill, just lean over and put the pliers to the hook and don't touch the fish!
Releasing them using the gaff works equally well as pliers and you don't have to lean over the boat as far if the waves are nasty. Either way, the salmon don't get touched and have a much better chance of survival. Striper Sniper
Fished Beechy to the trap from 630 to 915 last night. Not even a sniff, didn't see anyone catch anything, nothing at the dock.
Fishing was awesome today hatchery cohos galore,pinks, lucky onthe chinooks too.#22,15,13. GREAT DAY FOR A CHARTER!!!
where did the springs come from? I couldn't get through the coho, pinks and juviniles off the head today - I got frustrated and headed in after half dozen double headers and 20+ fish in 2 hours.
Was out yesterday afternoon at the Head and all I got was pinks. Where do you need to go to tie into a Spring?
If your fishing with gear that a pink can latch on to you will get lots of pinks. When I have that problem, I get the largest gear I can drop down (ie 7" tomics, clem stewart spoons) and problem solved. You then have a crack at a spring because your not wasting time checking gear with small pinks.
This morning it took 7 packs of bait (84 chovies!) to get 5 coho, 4 pinks and 3 springs (26lb, 23lb, 12lb) at Otter. Whew. Three of us in the boat and nobody sat down for more than 2 minutes. Crazy! [:p]
reeled in 7 pound 2 ounces feeder spring. lost a second spring. foggy weather this morning. Lots of pinks out there.
jesus Yammy - you actually brought out 7 packs of bait? I usually bring out 2 packs but 7 packs is gonna be more expensive then the gas bill! Time to go to big plastic and metal baits I think.
Vict boater you missed the bite last night at the Head. The bite was about 4:30, couldn't even get two rods in the water. Lasted about half hour and that was it. Everytime we went out from the Head i got a pink. Fished in close, no pinks.. No seals last night, it was nice for a change.
Yeah we knew it was going to be a little nutty out there after last weekend. We brought 5 new packs and 4 old packs left over from last year just in case. It might be worth throwing down a hootchie or spoon but we were stubborn today. Paid off with some nice springs though. Hope this doesn't last all summer.
Hit Beechey and the shack today.Didnt see any springs taken but there was a relentless onslaught of pinks and coho.Saw a 27 and a 22 at the dock though-5pm bite at Otter.Kicking the smoker into overdrive now with all those humpys!
fished secretary back to almost cheanuh, picked up a 23 and 19 nowhere in particular. only 2 pinks? i'm not complaining, i'm just a little confused as to why we didn't hit many. didn't hit any coho either, but at the dock people said they were everywhere- maybe they were off shore?
We finally managed to get out ourselves.Fished the trap.Lots of fish around.No springs for us but lots of coho to the boat.We did lose a nice spring to a seal though.Had a great day out there.[8D]
Fished the 3rd tide line yesterday - 8 pinks in 2 hours.
Fished same spot today - 15 pinks in 6 hours - not as plentiful today as yesterday.
Fished Aldridge from 5:45 to 7:30 Was non stop 6 to 8 lb springs 65 to 75 feet.Bust off a nice one trying to steer him away from some ----coming at a million miles an hour through the fog.I guess next time i'll get on top of the boat and hold the rod up high,maybe you can go underneath next time. DAN