Sooke Reports - 2007

Hali I am in the masters in vanvcouver Yes I am old enough for that nowLOL LOL as you have to be 40 in the year it is played and we will medal for sure.

quote:Originally posted by wolf

Hali I am in the masters in vanvcouver Yes I am old enough for that nowLOL LOL as you have to be 40 in the year it is played and we will medal for sure.


Hey Roy. If you're going to be 40 this year and you're a fishing guide, does that make you a Master Baiter too? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. :D It's a tired joke but I still find it funny.

Good luck in Van.

Hey wolf nice job on those 5 fish and the Halibut. It looks like you had my friend Angie and her boyfriend Ray with you. Glad you got them into some fish.
Tough afternoon on the water with those strong currents and those persistent Westerlies. Went thru 4 packs of bait filtering thru the hordes of pinks, wild coho, juvenile springs and odd dogfish. We finally hooked a nice spring and had it 25 yards from the boat when the seal grabbed it. At 100yards from the boat it surfaced with our fish in it's mouth and that's when we cranked up the Yammy225 and manouvered ourselves right on top of the little *******. I was still reeling slack line when I saw the flasher pass under the port side ~ I thought the line broke. But after a few seconds I caught up to the fish and it appeared right beside us with no seal in sight! After a little yelling and a quick scoop and we finally had our spring (20lb). And there was no damage to the salmon because the seal grabbed it by the head. Now that was lucky, but it was all we could catch for today. Get the smokers ready ;) - with these strong tides and millions of pinks it's going to be tough to effectively target springs.
Thanks for the report Yammy--I'm going to try the Trap tomorrow first thing.
A few Springs from Sunday at Church, taking 3rd and 4th place in the annnual Victoria Legion Salmon Derby for these two fella's, Big swell out there in the morning and lots of Coho and pink's showing up! Nice and flat from 9-10 when we picked these up.

The early bird did not get the worm this am. I was out from first light til 10:30 at the Trap and the Head and saw very few fish caught until about 7:30. I did end up with 2 coho,1 pink and 1 teenage spring but had to work for them. Nice morning tho.
Man it was slow out there today saw maybe 4 big springs caught BUT on the positive I went out for coho and pinks and found quite a few of them very good to see as I had kids on the boat and they loved the non stop action.

this thread is killing me lol, the tow truck broke down and im stuck yet to catch the first salmon of the summer
quote:Originally posted by Tailspin

A few Springs from Sunday at Church, taking 3rd and 4th place in the annnual Victoria Legion Salmon Derby for these two fella's, Big swell out there in the morning and lots of Coho and pink's showing up! Nice and flat from 9-10 when we picked these up.


Looking at some of the pictures of other boats gives me ideas for my own boat. For instance looking at yours with the checker plate under your downrggers is a great idea, I presume you have some on the underside as well.

By the way nice fish.

Lots of Coho and lots of pinks today between Beechey and Secretary but where are the springs? Did they disappear overnight?
Hey all,

Great reports. I am very new to fishing the west coast and will be in Victoria for 2 weeks starting on July 30th. I mapquested Sooke and see that its very close.

Does anyone have any basic info for a rookie and his two brothers who would like to catch some fish (even those pesky pinks)???

I will have a small 14.5 boat. Sturdy. 55hp motor.

Where do I launch?
Where do I fish?
Do you just troll? With what?
How about those pinks? Since many of you dont seem to like them...Ill take 2 out of the water for you guys!:D:D

Anywhoo, any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by ashtonspoutine

Hey all,

Great reports. I am very new to fishing the west coast and will be in Victoria for 2 weeks starting on July 30th. I mapquested Sooke and see that its very close.

Does anyone have any basic info for a rookie and his two brothers who would like to catch some fish (even those pesky pinks)???

I will have a small 14.5 boat. Sturdy. 55hp motor.

Where do I launch?
Where do I fish?
Do you just troll? With what?
How about those pinks? Since many of you dont seem to like them...Ill take 2 out of the water for you guys!:D:D

Anywhoo, any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

This is a Sooke catch report thread, your questions should be posted starting a new thread, we are all here to help you. Firstly you need to do some reading, there is a wealth of information on this site already, simply use the search command and type in "Sooke Fishing" , "Pinks" There are many threads you can read that will answer many of your questions... I did a quick search and found tons of info already... here is one link I found from a thread..
Thanks TheRock!
Sorry for posting questions in a report thread[:I]. Kinda silly on my part. That article you sent was awesome. I will post my REPORTS, next time im on this thread. Will do a search as well about those pinks.

tight lines
Fished from 5 pm to 9 tonight at Secretary. 2 coho, 2 springs , largest 25-30 (didn't weigh it) and lost a teenager to a seal.All 3 springs came at 80 ft. We battled the seal for 15 minutes but didn't get our fish back but we did get the gear. Great night.
quote:Originally posted by ashtonspoutine

Hey all,

Great reports. I am very new to fishing the west coast and will be in Victoria for 2 weeks starting on July 30th. I mapquested Sooke and see that its very close.

Does anyone have any basic info for a rookie and his two brothers who would like to catch some fish (even those pesky pinks)???

I will have a small 14.5 boat. Sturdy. 55hp motor.

Where do I launch?
Where do I fish?
Do you just troll? With what?
How about those pinks? Since many of you dont seem to like them...Ill take 2 out of the water for you guys!:D:D

Anywhoo, any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Download the fishing derby boundry chart at this site.

I am new to this area as well and I found it great for pinpointing the fishing reports.

There is excellent launching at Pedder Bay Marina that should fill all your needs.
Gas, fishing licence,fishing gear, etc.