Sooke Reports - 2007

Great day out there today looks like fish are coming in biggest was 29 lbs and the smallest 22 lbs and a 12 lb hatchery coho to boot I was off of a known westcoast shoreline



Good luck Wolf

P.S. The new trophy reels work very very good, like them alot!!!!
hey wolf how big was the last one i had to get out of the way for, and were you fishing near top, or deep;)
That was the biggest one and they were all shallow as per the location I was fishing today OLD SCHOOL fishing

What is OLD SCHOOL fishing? Or is it a trde secret? HAAAAAAA!!!!
No Really?
Nice wolf,,, don't catch em all, I will be there in 32 days and counting,, save a few for me ;) ;) ;)
quote:Great day out there today looks like fish are coming in
Well that's good timing then! It was my last day of work today until August 24th. The boat goes back to Cheanuh tomorrow for the summer. Game on![8D]
Good job there Roy saw you and that Lifetimer C/C working that spot hard and looks like it paid off.Do you know how he did.We got 2 and lost 2 all before 6:30,moved over by you but didn't catch anything as you took them all.
Nice to see Wolf, work hard play hard. Those are some nice looking fish. Put in the time and reep the rewards. Also nice to see others getting into some nice fish. [:p] Skunked twice my time will come. ;)

Cheers ME
Nice job there Roy,I'm fianaly getting 2 days off in a row this weekend,and I get to go out to sooke fishing,my first trip out there this year,and I get to try out the new double eagle in sooke, I am looking so foward to it.DAN
Nice haul wolf. Lookin a little pink from that blazin sun today! [8D]To answer the question ~ I think "old school" refers to fishing a little tighter to shore and running the gear in the top 50 feet of water. Looks like it paid off!
Just got back from Pedder Bay last night. Fished around Beechey head Wed morning got a nice 35Lb at 80' on a slow troll, that was it.
Back yesterday, hooked a couple at 12lbs, further out at 150'.

Being a rookie for this area and still feeling my way around (the locals are pretty tight about giving out information) There seem,s to be a lot of kelp in this area, Is it the time of year, or is this normal?
There were also lots of driftwood in the area must have been a high tide lately, that washed them of the beach.
Spent a lot of the day clearing my lines, hard work solo fishing out there.
well I'll take 1 35lber over a bunch of teenagers anyday - so I think you're doing alright. If the debris in the water is bad, simply move out into deeper water or to another area with less problems.

If you can't keep you're lines clean it doesn't matter how many fish are sitting underneath you.
The weeds have been bad all week but once the tide kicks in on the flood it does blow out just have to wait it out not much you can do all the way up to sheringham same thing there.

Out again today steller day bit rough but we got them biggest salmon was a 26 lber and we got something I havent got in a long time trolling for salmon off of sooke a nice 40 lb hali go figure!!!!!!gone now back next week until then.



Good luck Wolf
w000w [:0][^] That's catchin...I'm jealous[:p] Good job, Well done! I was just checkin it out to see how Saturday will be? It is gonna be a lonnnngggg day at work tomorrow.
Ps don't get in the way on Sat WOLF!! you've had your time in the sun. ;)[:p]:):D LOL! Let all the rest of us get a Kick at em...
Ps looks good on ya! Ho hum, just another ----- day in Paradise. Its gonna be hard to leave?[?]
Otter thanks for the comments but i am by far not the best out there there are a few I think are better than me I have the luxury of being out there all the time and the years of guiding helped me out a great deal!!!!!!!I must admit great couple of days fishing for sure but had to work for them

Hali dont worry that was my last trip till next week I am off for our fastball provincials for the weekend.

Good luck to you all Wolf
Hey Wolf, the Albertan salute, hands extended pointing down, butt up, you the man! Striper Sniper

ps Happy Birthday Wolf!
Hey Wolf what age? From Sooke? wwwwhere ya goin....Good Luck, Bring home the GOLD!!!:)
Your consistency speaks for success/expertism, Im probably quite jelous,human nature but you didnt have to rub it in with the Halibut catch.Kidding.