OFFICIAL 2015 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

The reward to this thread will be these guys posting reports of all the fish they catch with all the advice we are doling out Pips!!!
Ha Ha!! That's hilarious! I think it's become a how to thread. I remember when i was learning way back when.......i used to book charters and learn from the pro's but there was no internet back then

Hi guys looks like I might have got a little carried away about voltage in a report forum my bad won't happen again,anyways got out friday went 3 for 7 at the rock a few in the hook a few offshore green glow spoon and flasher was the ticket all at 130 ft cheers good luck out there…

Tight lines
The reward to this thread will be these guys posting reports of all the fish they catch with all the advice we are doling out Pips!!!

yup, cause without you we wouldnt catch anything :p

Ok I got a chuckle about that one too .... especially considering all the reports here from everyone else are actually there own results and not 2nd or 3rd hand reporting from the couch.
Just to keep on track I will provide a mini report however .... Mother's Day night zipped over to Nanaimo from Gibson's to drop off my 10 year old daughter to her mother. Gotta take the little windows of time you have so I stopped off Gabriola to fish a couple hrs prior to my way back to Vancouver from 6-8 pm and hit 4 chinook - not hot but a couple flurries ..boating 11 and 13 lbs. Offshore Whalebone 650' water at 100-140 bait/Kitchen and Irish spoons all hit fish. Ran into schools of Pollock and could see them on sounder.... brutal for 45 min so that cut down on chinook action I suspect.
Ok I got a chuckle about that one too .... especially considering all the reports here from everyone else are actually there own results and not 2nd or 3rd hand reporting from the couch.
Just to keep on track I will provide a mini report however .... Mother's Day night zipped over to Nanaimo from Gibson's to drop off my 10 year old daughter to her mother. Gotta take the little windows of time you have so I stopped off Gabriola to fish a couple hrs prior to my way back to Vancouver from 6-8 pm and hit 4 chinook - not hot but a couple flurries ..boating 11 and 13 lbs. Offshore Whalebone 650' water at 100-140 bait/Kitchen and Irish spoons all hit fish. Ran into schools of Pollock and could see them on sounder.... brutal for 45 min so that cut down on chinook action I suspect.

Well I can take a jab or few and a few laughs at my expense. At least I post actual results and share timely and up to date information based on up to the hour information by professionals who are personal friends of mine...and that's as good as first hand information?

There are a few charter operators in this town who post Saltwater reports which aren't even their own reports and post them as first hand...or at least are creatively worded as such... but I'm not even going to go there (oops I just did). Anyways, I guess all us guides will go back to being secretive, and post nothing and say nothing... Zipper lips it is. Where is that spot again? Oops. What color? when? oh! that was last week.

Anyways, I guess the criteria is first hand reports other reports allowed. That's ok, I guess my valid reasons for not being on the water such as caring for disabled elders is no excuse for posting second hand reports or sharing such information. It's not easy being unable to participate in a sport which is your number 1 passion in life due to circumstances. Screw the first hand reports from those boats...since they must have dreamed the whole thing.

But hey, I hear somebody somewhere somehow out there did real well at some depth out there....kinda like pics or it didn't happen. Maybe someone should try their luck today.... Sounds good. The OP comment while funny, is kinda like the comment pics or it didn't happen...
Peahead Shut Your Pie Hole

Well I can take a jab or few and a few laughs at my expense. At least I post actual results and share timely and up to date information based on up to the hour information by professionals who are personal friends of mine...and that's as good as first hand information?

There are a few charter operators in this town who post Saltwater reports which aren't even their own reports and post them as first hand...or at least are creatively worded as such... but I'm not even going to go there (oops I just did). Anyways, I guess all us guides will go back to being secretive, and post nothing and say nothing... Zipper lips it is. Where is that spot again? Oops. What color? when? oh! that was last week.

Anyways, I guess the criteria is first hand reports other reports allowed. That's ok, I guess my valid reasons for not being on the water such as caring for disabled elders is no excuse for posting second hand reports or sharing such information. It's not easy being unable to participate in a sport which is your number 1 passion in life due to circumstances. Screw the first hand reports from those boats...since they must have dreamed the whole thing.

But hey, I hear somebody somewhere somehow out there did real well at some depth out there....kinda like pics or it didn't happen. Maybe someone should try their luck today.... Sounds good. The OP comment while funny, is kinda like the comment pics or it didn't happen...

Hey Pea head take it easy on Fishing- Magician.. Personally I find his reports helpful and informative !! If you don't like his reports don't read them..

Tight Lines
Hey F-M,
I too have to look after family and have to (too often) live vicariously through other's reports rather than be on the water, where I long to be. Personally, I have greatly enjoyed your reports here and on other boards, over the years. I very much appreciate your willingness to share info/tactics and skills. Please contiue doing so.
I just don't see the point on bashing a guy when he's posting reports. I like to read them isn't that the point of this thread ? Whether first hand or second hand the info given is great especially if it's coming from reliable Intel

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Ah everyone takes things the wrong way on this forum. We should get together and drink beer more often. Speaking of which, I'm BBQing up this bad boy tonight at Spanish Banks, west concession if anyone wants to join. 7pm.

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Ah everyone takes things the wrong way on this forum. We should get together and drink beer more often. Speaking of which, I'm BBQing up this bad boy tonight at Spanish Banks, west concession if anyone wants to join. 7pm.

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Wow, either that is a nice fish you have there... or you have wee little feet haha!
Hey sorry if i was out of line guys. I enjoy the live, 1st hand reports from FM as well......that's the only kind i post.

I was just having a giggle with the same questions over and over again.
Hey sorry if i was out of line guys. I enjoy the live, 1st hand reports from FM as well......that's the only kind i post.

I was just having a giggle with the same questions over and over again.

Haha.....ya the topic swayed off anything to really to do with direct reports into a "how to". I've always thought it's great to get off the reports thread and start a new thread.
I just don't see the point on bashing a guy when he's posting reports. I like to read them isn't that the point of this thread ? Whether first hand or second hand the info given is great especially if it's coming from reliable Intel

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Agree fully FS .....but if anyone is going to be taking credit for providing up to date tips from recent results or claiming credit for putting people on fish they better be giving credit to those that provide them all the information. I highly respect those that provide the information to FM but would like to see them get the credit......the ones out there putting in the time this season..... that's my point. ,,, credit where due is all. Also not just pro guides.....other fishers on here and not on here....... Pippen I must commend you because you are amazingly forthwith with info. FM I understand your enthusiasm for sure...... and that I like however listening is also important. Believe me I know.

Ah everyone takes things the wrong way on this forum. We should get together and drink beer more often. Speaking of which, I'm BBQing up this bad boy tonight at Spanish Banks, west concession if anyone wants to join. 7pm.
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Awesome attitude !!!!!!!! ....if I had time I'd swing by ....seriously
Not to beat a dead horse ,but fm always states when he puts reports on here that the info came from local guides or his buddies that guide. I know pa and Bon chovy do their own local weekly reports and pa used to post them on this site until somebody complained about it.

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Fished the hump today 1:30 to 8:30. I caught one shaker in seven hours. The Pollock were thick and I kept a few to take home. I found a needle fish in the stomach of a Pollock so I switched to green/glow Coho Killer and caught the shaker with that at 120 feet of the wire. Seems like the fish have moved on to Gabriola.