Nanaimo area

Hey beav, have the guy stop in at my work tomorrow, I copied those programs for you. Call me when you get them and I'll fill you in.
roger that Greg I'll see you saturday, Chrome I'm in unless the crew cancells out but I will comfirm this after noon. what time you thinking of launching at ??
My buddy Bushy is heading out today all by himself. He should be okay, I gave him some pointers and told him he can phone me anytime for advice. I'll let you know how he makes out, I think he's going to Gerald.
Greg I just called to see what was up and he forgot to stop by, he will be coming by monday [V]

you still headign out?

did you see the wind forcast [?]
saltbeaver call me if your thinking of going out still

Looks like the wind is goign to pick up for tomorrow:(

I am thinking steelhead again
Hey Beav, when the guy comes on Mon., there is a brown envelope here with your name on it. I'll be out fishin all day, I managed to get the day off. I included the hootchy that has been hittin all the fish, good luck with it.
I went out about 9:30am fished without a bite until 1pm had lunch at the Dingy Dock, fished from 2:30-4 still nothing. When we were about to call it quits we saw birds going crazy on the back side of Newcastle Isl. , so we ripped over to take a look. Bait everywhere on the sounder. Dropped one rod to 38 and another to 50, fish on within minutes. Landed one around 10-11#'s, had a couple more bites, lost the bait and it was dead again... Still, a sunny day with a fish and a bag of prawns in the boat.
Hey Mike,
What's wrong with steelhead fishing???
Just bugging,
what are your plans for the end of March into April?
Let me know, already talked to the greggor and he wants to hit some chrome on the cowie!!
Let me know
Mark got a boat huh, interesting!!!
Now it's my turn
Slabby out

Isnt the back side of newcastle closed?????? I was sure that was part of the RCA and pretty sure from snake island to gabriola then downward toward duke point

i could be wrong [?]
It was as soon as you leave Departure bay going left past the green cam bouy. Not closed. There were boats fishing there off and on all day.
your post read on the back side of newcastle

quote:When we were about to call it quits we saw birds going crazy on the back side of Newcastle Isl.
Cowieslabslayer dude!!
Nothing wrong with steelheading still managing 8 to 10 fish on a trip to the Stamp not bad considering most guys are $h!tign the bed[:0] Steelheading is great :D for those that know what they are doing, you know me, I work hard for them I was just thinking the other day about that first day you and I fished the stamp together
wow eh [8D] and I still remember when I took my truck to the bottom of MOneys LOL then I hit the ditch and spun the tire on the rim and got a flat. I bet you thought we were going to get stuck for sure :) good times!!!
I just orderded my rod wrapper, so soon I can build some custom rods for the drift boat and Wellcraft
Just ran plugs the other day, thats kinda fun will do it again :D have been doing some spring fishing out front It has been pretty good the last day or two keepn the skills up as for steely fishing in march, hope its early march.[|)]
Vince, that is the back side of NC Isl. We were fishing DB when we saw the birds. Once again you have nothing usefull to do with your time so you post crap online to try to make people look bad. Im suprised the mods still let you post on here.

before you get all upset I considerd that the green can or toward hudson or clark you did not mention departure bay in your first post
the back side of newcastle to me sounds like behind the dingy dock
Your post was a little unclear and I was only asking !!!! as for only posting crap I have helped people on this form with tips or suggestions so GO!!!!!!!!!!!! read all my post before you make your assumtion
second thing (?) was just asking if that was a closed area you need to take a happy pill

I didnt see how my post directed any bad statements, simply asking

quote:Isnt the back side of newcastle closed?????? I was sure that was part of the RCA and pretty sure from snake island to gabriola then downward toward duke point

i could be wrong

maybe its how you read it... I guess[?]
if anyone else read that as a slam please let me know :)