Nanaimo area


Looks like i am off to hammer some more steelys :)
I gota get out and meet up with you soon Let me know how you make out
Yeh yesterday was like **** on a plate out there
to bad there is this thing called work :)
Hope you steelheaders did good today. I was saving myself for Sunday, but water looked good. Bit of a chop, but no swell to rough it up. Hardly seen a whitecap all day. Looking like it will be great Sunday. Sunny and no wind. It has started laying down now. See you out there.
That's the last time I listen to Shermanater's weather forcast. Oh well, steelheading worked out for me.[:p]

Were you out Saltybeaver? How did you do?
I fished DB for about 4 hours today. Landed and released 1 around 6lbs had 2 more hits. Flat calm and sunny [8D].
I washed some gear between the Fingers, Neck, Pipes and in DB. Found some big bait balls but no luck on the winters. Did manage to 'catch' someones prawn traps (2) - they were on 300ft of line in 480ft of water. The downrigger ball was perfectly caught in the float. Lost my clip, flasher and spoon in the fiasco but was amazed that the Scotty electric managed to pull it as far as it did. I kept the prawns (what few were alive) and I gonna give the guy a call...quite a pain in the a$$ when you are buy yourself!

I found huge bait balls also, just need to gt some bigger fish feeding off them

Next time I will get em :)
I also saw the bait everywhere, but I got the fish and all my hits when no bait was on the sounder..

how did you make out?

Shermanator and oglthorpe it was a great day fishing ;)
talk to you guys later

Saltybeaver you passed us at the gas station on your way to Tims, I left a message to get the report from you

you can see the report on RVP's forum
Fished saturday one 13# in the boat back side of 5 fingers armytruck spoon/flasher 180 .

fished the bay for an hour first 10 min nice little 6 # (first fish caught in the bay ) released ......pearl/glow teaser 80feet.
I was thinking of making a run out of alberni next weekend or polier pass. had pretty good action around this time last year in barkley sound, are you up for it ?
quote:Originally posted by saltybeaver

I was thinking of making a run out of alberni next weekend or polier pass. had pretty good action around this time last year in barkley sound, are you up for it ?

11 days to the Poett Nook derby :)...any of you guys going?
Got out Sunday, damn wind wouldn't lie down. Traps down and then some fishing. As normal, the fish god's didn't smile on us, but the prawns and crab were great. We didn't get to the outside of the Fingers, seen some boats out there, but we stayed on the south side and in between Hudson Rocks & Snake. Seen a few fish on the sounder near the bottom, but no takers. Fished in the bay for a couple hours. Lots of fish marked, birds were busy, but not us. Went tonight and got the magic hoothie at Screaming so we should be set. Got the Sproat Lake Loggers Derby in two weeks and them we'll be back out on this side.
I haven't been out this year. Too busy working on our new house to mount the riggers on the 'new' ride. Been wanting to try French Creek...there were a pile of undersized springs there in October, maybe they've stuck around and grown?
See you in 10 days:).
Was out yesterday. Started at hudson rock and trolled to neck point and back without a sniff. No bait, no fish on the sounder. Tried up and down from the cannery to entrance later in the day with the same results, once again nothing on the sounder. Did pick up a few bugs and the weather was pretty decent so it wasnt a complete bust. Gonna give it another go tomorrow if the weather is good. Anyone else been out in the last couple?
Hey Chev, I seen your dad out there last sun. No riggers, looked like lots of bugs though.. Are you done with the steelhead for the season.. Hard to beat the nice weather on the chuck eh. I will be out tomorrow after noon for the flood.. Gimme a shout-dirty