Nanaimo area

was out yesterday for about 4hrs, did not get any salmon. lingcod kept getting the line. fished around thrasher
Ya couple of nice mermaids with DDs!!!.but i threw them back that area is closed.. Cheers Dirt:)
Dirty........I'll hit it up if you come out :D let me know if your up for saturday, give me a call 722-0317.
"Ya couple of nice mermaids with DDs!!!.but i threw them back that area is closed.. Cheers Dirt"

I thought the bay is open except for the little RCA starting from the aircraft warning beacon, across to the biological station, Jesse Island and around to the point of Newcastle. Did anybody catch the whales out at the logboom, I got some nice pictures, I am just not sure if it was a grey or humpback whale. I heard a 21 lb was caught off neck point on Friday. Salty, and dirty, come for a coffee soon-;) Andy
Should not be a problem salty, I've been drooling over the last couple of days with the glass calm conditions.. I will give you a call in the evening tomorrow.-dirty
Hey All,
Relative newbie to fishing the Nanaimo area but not at all new to fishing. I've got all my own 'toys' but any info on the area would be much appreciated - recognizing that I need to figure a lot of it on my own but a little nudge is always appreciated. I can be reached via email at
Dirty how did you make out?? Saturday[?]

we got seal'd :( ahhgain!
tride hard to get the fish back but the F^%#@er wraped my line around a rock and end up just wasting 200yrds of brand new line, just put it on the reel the night before. :(

almost impossible trying to get it back when your boat is in 12 feet of water also
big crome where you out in a wellcraft ?
went to entrance in the morning couple small ling, canary....nothing, dep bay nothing.....fingers nothing. nice to be out on the water:D
Salty B it was I in the Wellcraft

We fished off Neck was too far off then moved in Hit one pretty quick faught a seal for 20 MInutes

Took my flasher and spoon F&*(#ER :(:( then the wind picked up a slight bit so we fished DP Bay Not sniff

any bait at E.I. ?????
Did not mark any bait anywhere [V].
****ty about the seal. we were in the other wellcraft we seen you in the bay . what model and year is that ?
1998 wellcraft WA

i seen bait, but spottty marked some fish not much in the bay though its the way it goes when you have new gear on board
(bad luck) LOL
Needs the New rubbed off

you sure made the rounds that day eh? cant believe nothing at entrance glad I decided not go out that far
Hey Ratherbefishing best advice you can get would be down at screamin fish and fly

Popular areas are well known by RVP at the screamin fish and fly you will likley stick to you go to lures or most productive
I fish Neck, EI, the cannery I am looking at the plotter more and more and trying to get out of fishing the regular spots I will keep you posted or let me knwo if you want more details I will email you

The store is getting better and can only do better as long as they get support from all fisherman. I rather support them than wallmart or C-tire they dont open at 6am for me to get gear
There selection is good for stealhead gear and continues to grow its agreat location for all the fisherman going out and they get reports from the locals
heading out friday off Nanaimo area

anyone got a report[?] other than lots of seals [xx(]