I love this community, that’s a big reason I made this thread, obviously this is the internet, and some guys are quick to speculate without knowing anything, it’s all good, all you guys are good people in my books. There’s only one way to stop the trolling….
Build the boat! But even then some guys won’t like me… it’s all good.
Yes it seems like since I got married the build stopped…. But rest assured my wife said that’s only a coincidence

Wasn’t feeling too well beginning of September for a bit, hopefully that issue is gone. At the same time I fell behind at the shop with Ron’s work, and he had a stack of jobs to be completed, didn’t leave us anytime to work on the commander, and we ran like that till Christmas, then Ron had surgery and took medical leave, should be finished now but hasn’t been answering my phone calls for a few weeks now
Now business… Last couple months I spent opening up a new shop , no effin partners!!!!
And I just got approved to legally open my doors today
I’m running 2 shops now but I have significantly changed the way I run it, hopefully resulting in a lot more time to play for me. I had to get off the forum for a bit to completely concentrate on business and been working as hard getting everything ready like the first few months of my build.
Now I’m ready to get back at it…
And this whole time I had to keep my mouth shut…. Do you know how hard that was for me?!??!? LoL
Thanks Bucket