Commander 26 Re Build

A couple ideas regarding the pod. If you are really going to redo it, I would have it built in a way that you aren’t relying on caulking to keep water out of the pod. I would want the front of the pod that meets the hull completely welded closed . Also, you can weld channel where the engines mount in a way that allows you to install the engines without having the bolts go through into the pod.
There’s no question about it, pod is going to get redone, just thinking the best way to do it. I really like the idea of sealing the pod and welding on channels to isolated engine mounting hardware. I also want the whole bottem to be one complete piece. Might as well get rid of the 1/2 bungs and re think my lights.
I work with stainless and aluminum every day. Stainless pulls like a SOB with welding. Aluminum not so much. I just think that it’s shoddy craftsmanship after looking at the grinding and such. I also agree with everyone else that the pod should be completely sealed. All it takes is one small area and you’ve got water intrusion into it. I’ve been trying to think about how to fix that bow in it but after seeing everything else, I’d probably just start fresh. That whole bottom of the pod should be broke out of one piece of material, not scabbed together out of multiple pieces.
Love that idea, start it fresh
From the looks of it he tried to modify an existing pod to work for you.
If you want to know about pods and the best ways. Phone Tom at Jenkins marine in sooke.
No not really, the pod was built short at 30 to begin with after I warned him multiple times about the hump above the transom, and the 13 degree angle that goes up 2 feet above the swim deck. I also warned him about other pods that where too short.
After visiting his shop I noticed it was very small, I couldn’t sleep for days. Did some research and came up with my own measurement that he ran with. With him having experience building pods I thought I would let him do his thing, I was hoping to be going over pod angles for maximum performance or something like that, not how long my effin pod has to be so my motors don’t hit.
Ghhrrrrrrrr I was gonna leave it alone for the day
No not really, the pod was built short at 30 to begin with after I warned him multiple times about the hump above the transom, and the 13 degree angle that goes up 2 feet above the swim deck. I also warned him about other pods that where too short.
After visiting his shop I noticed it was very small, I couldn’t sleep for days. Did some research and came up with my own measurement that he ran with. With him having experience building pods I thought I would let him do his thing, I was hoping to be going over pod angles for maximum performance or something like that, not how long my effin pod has to be so my motors don’t hit.
Ghhrrrrrrrr I was gonna leave it alone for the day
I went through the same stressful with my pod builder. I was concerned about the length of the pod, assured it would fit a 300yammy and sure enough, the engine hit my transom when tilted up. I can live with it with a 1” spacer but still bummed it’s not 3” longer. I agree with you tho, your pod needs to be completely rebuilt unfortunately
30 inches is minimal for sure on a boat that size. I'd go 40 inches at least. Make some room.
Here is how mine is built just for some ideas. The engine mounting bolts don’t enter the pod.



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30 inches is minimal for sure on a boat that size. I'd go 40 inches at least. Make some room.
I want my measurements right on the money , no maybe, it’s pretty simple:
Transom angle and hump above the transom account for 13 inches for the rear most point- the rub rail. The pod needs to start at 13 inches before we even start thinking about the motor. A Yammy 250 needs 29 inches tilted up all the way.

29 plus 13 is 42inches

The pod needs to be 42 inches long for the motors to kiss the rub rail when tilled up.

so I added 2 more inches for space.

That is how I got 44 inches

I’m gonna loose my sh** here soon if I hear of one more pod being built short.

designs are designs, obviously some are better than others, but measurements you can’t **** with
But the build MUST go on!!!

Good day at the shop today. Had some quality help from my oldest, and got a lot done. Forgot about time change , thought we ended at 10 but it was 11, but the wife wasn’t upset!
Pretty much a clean up day. We started by removing all the wiring and finally the hydraulic steering hoses. Cleared the flybridge of everything that was left. Cleared out the entire cabin. Removed pretty much every clamp hidden
Vacuumed the entire boat and that was the day
She is looking great :)View attachment 76538
20C730C7-7AC2-4353-95F8-0A1F644ECA19.jpegE1078D0B-9B5E-4936-ADAE-19FE8BC14300.jpeg7A6AEEF7-C10D-4C40-B835-28209C8813EE.jpeg8DF9363D-40F7-4BCB-AED0-198E2E80D8AA.jpegD13987D3-9F3F-4B03-AF51-D2E412729B9F.jpegTryed to squeeze him in all the tightest places. He said taking clamps off is easy, so I gave him a few blind ones… CF016827-312A-46FB-A94A-0C64C44830EE.jpeg
I want my measurements right on the money , no maybe, it’s pretty simple:
Transom angle and hump above the transom account for 13 inches for the rear most point- the rub rail. The pod needs to start at 13 inches before we even start thinking about the motor. A Yammy 250 needs 29 inches tilted up all the way.

29 plus 13 is 42inches

The pod needs to be 42 inches long for the motors to kiss the rub rail when tilled up.

so I added 2 more inches for space.

That is how I got 44 inches

I’m gonna loose my sh** here soon if I hear of one more pod being built short.

designs are designs, obviously some are better than others, but measurements you can’t **** with

I'd say a good 4 feet. Make that boat a 30 footer
If your 100 percent sure that transom is flat side to side and up and down, there should be no issues having a pod built.
Have you considered having the transom 3d scanned to capture all the angles and exact measurements?
I wanted to give the boys at SGM fab the pod to biuld, they got a couple guys with 6 screens and everything gets blueprinted on the computer before one cut or weld is made.
I gave the pod to my guy cause I wanted all of us to be proud of it.