Boats on Used Victoria and Other Areas

Although my top end isn’t anything to brag about I was pretty happy with 8.1mpg at 7kn on Friday.

I did have a lot of envy at the 35 Defender Boston Whaler at Poets. Trips as well.

I think this is a good deal if you could get it for 35k sell the engines for 5k and spend either 15k CAD on those used Yamis. Still need big pockets for gas and other issues but a lot of whaler and a trailer that ain’t cheap.
Fishing trips haven’t been tax deductible for some time now. Many years ago the practice of disguising bonus income as fishing derby prizes ruined that.
When I took my clients fishing it was just a cost of doing business.

I expense the odd tank of fuel and definitely the affiliated food and beverage expenses, of which, there's a junk load.
Although my top end isn’t anything to brag about I was pretty happy with 8.1mpg at 7kn on Friday.

I did have a lot of envy at the 35 Defender Boston Whaler at Poets. Trips as well.

I think this is a good deal if you could get it for 35k sell the engines for 5k and spend either 15k CAD on those used Yamis. Still need big pockets for gas and other issues but a lot of whaler and a trailer that ain’t cheap.
Hmmm so let’s practice this 51st state principle here’s 45 g in Canadian
And no tax to bring it home hmmmm
What was that “ no way “ lol 😂
I expense the odd tank of fuel and definitely the affiliated food and beverage expenses, of which, there's a junk load.
I’m specifically referring to the costs of taking clients on guided fishing trips which CRA does not allow a company to claim for the reason I posted above.
I would think it a grey area at best to claim the expenses of taking clients out on your own personal boat and I wouldn’t want to be required to justify it in an audit.
Of course a boat-based guided fishing business is a different scenario altogether.
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I’m specifically referring to the costs of taking clients on guided fishing trips which CRA does not allow a company to claim for the reason I posted above.
I would think it a grey area at best to claim the expenses of taking clients out on your own personal boat and I wouldn’t want to be required to justify it in an audit.
Of course a boat-based guided fishing business is a different scenario altogether.

It's more in the grey area if you hold a "conference" at the lodge. But who the fak wants to see a lanyard at a fishing lodge. Kill me now.
It's more in the grey area if you hold a "conference" at the lodge. But who the fak wants to see a lanyard at a fishing lodge. Kill me now.
Some of the lodges had a room just for this purpose, to legitimize the seminar/educational aspect of the retreat.

Often the room had a huge table in the middle covered with felt witha bunch of holes in it though.

1974 Reinell / Kal-Kustom RV2270 Extended - Polly Wog - $39,500​

Not familiar with this boat, but newish power and looks to be re-done
