Boats on Used Victoria and Other Areas

For Sale
Twin, 2006, 25", 150hp Yamaha outboards, digital displays, twin station mechanical brinicle controls. S.S props, approximately 1300hrs on both engines. Still on the boat can sea trial. $11,500.00 for everything

1995 GRADY WHITE marlin 30ft with redone transom and fuel tank. 800hp with low hours!!!

45k usd @Loghauler let’s go!!!!!!
In all seriousness might be a scam but not the usual scammer profile

1995 GRADY WHITE marlin 30ft with redone transom and fuel tank. 800hp with low hours!!!

45k usd @Loghauler let’s go!!!!!!
I’ll just go trade in my 185 for that. That price gets a “sure bud.”
But you’ll save money being on a trailer! At least it’s got enough ponies to get home on one engine and not have to overwork to get on plane etc. you know you want the hp!
I highly doubt that boat is $45k.
I highly doubt that boat is $45k.

I dunno...I'm can see it at $45k USD. It's a 30 year old hull with a gutted-out interior that has been used as a charter boat and had major structural work done at some point. Some well worn foam decking hiding who-knows-what underneath. 2017 Verados...who knows what model 'cause stickers are cheap and easy (although yes, the 400R was available in 2017). Things are different down in Florida...
Holy smokes @kaelc went down the Florida rabbit hole real quick
It happens, my boat aholic buddy just sold his Grady and is looking again. If I liked fishing with him I’d whip down for a sea trail fishing adventure but I’m almost ready to pull the plug. Few more hours at the office today, hair cut and hooking up the boat to the truck with the camper and I’m gone. F….the gas guzzling Grady whites and terrible exchange rates. Not deals compared to our 150 and 140hp gas sipping boats eh @Stizzla