Blackhawks 2010-2011

Those Hawks won't know hit them - it will be over quick........ Canucks in 5
Take another buffrrin or should I say assburn Holmsey barely made to the playoffs needed help from another doormat team!
I guess insted of golf you can take the hacks fishn after there early exit unlike Duncan I'm sure they will welcome back to the Dinner maybe whip em up leftovers.
TSN Poll this morning.........has Chicago at 1.9% as their probability of winning the cup........a whopping 1% higher than Nashville, Phoenix and LA. :p

And to be honest....the polls on websites are a joke; so I am not being serious about what this poll tells. ;)

Thanks holmes*. I mean't the Crapnucks would have to take the series in five or less games for them to claim the booze. Yeah, like that's going to happen.;) eman
I hear that. Just trying to call them out and see how much faith they have in there team. I would'nt take any bet myself. The Hawks taking them out will be all the reward I would need.;) eman
ya i dont take many bets either and usually take none but what the heck i say this year, waitin to collect from a certain someone from last years final, eh there my flyer friend,lol,:p.......holmes*

Hahaha.....ya, ya, ya. I owe ya a Tomic lure.......I had a case of beer for ya when I was in Nootka (mixed case of Van Island Brewery offering as I didn't know what you drank) but unfortunately due to POOR planning we ran out of pints out on the highway...and that box became a casualty of the dire, dire situation we found ourselves in. ;)

Sun, glass calm water, nice fishing......and 4 guys almost breaking down in tears when I looked in the cooler and said "uh oh". :p :eek:
Ill bet you holmes.... wanna bite??? and hey it will be a good one cmon lets rock!!!!!LOL LOL
