2024 Port Alberni and Alberni Inlet Reports

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That day was crazy. Were you running solo on the left side and turned around infront of the cabins? We were right behind you I believe, in an 18' campion, and you turned around right after we took a green one over the bow and between the windshield and canvas soaking us. It's too bad you turned around because 100 meters passed that it was completely fine.
Lol yeah that was me. It seemed like it was mellowing out but my balls were already up in my stomach and I just wanted to go home and have a beer with the wife. Glad it got better for you guys. I headed out the next morning and managed to pick up a 20.95lber so I was a happy camper still.
That day was crazy. Were you running solo on the left side and turned around infront of the cabins? We were right behind you I believe, in an 18' campion, and you turned around right after we took a green one over the bow and between the windshield and canvas soaking us. It's too bad you turned around because 100 meters passed that it was completely fine.
That bigger aluminum boat I tucked in behind took one of the worst possible lines, but I wanted to stay with them so they could break the wake. If I was on my own I would have stayed away from Nahmint and rode the shore line. What a **** around of an afternoon! Oh well, staying in the inlet for now. No point in heading down to bam for chinook.
2 fish this morning. 10 pound coho on an anchovy at 57 feet and then a 13 pound spring on a skinny g at 26 feet. Also caught a gungy sockeye to complete the tri fecta. All in all pretty slow, just getting going.
Thank you for letting me know and was this near lone tree or closer to the Namint or somewhere else it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know
Hi there again I don’t understand where you where fishing just passed the Namint at that bound line
Hey Maverick, love the enthusiasm but you are chasing reports all over the internet. What is posted has already changed. Get out there, learn, make mistakes, have wins and offer up reports as you see appropriate. Some of my best days have been when reports are not great but I found myself in the right place at the right time. Go get em!
Tried with skinny G and a white hootchie this morning. Nothing. Switched to sockeye as I saw one caught. Nothing there either. I’ll try again. Is it bait time yet or spoons and hootchies ok?
Getting better slowly around china creek. 4 bites this morning... first right after sun up a barely legal spring on the 7 inch tomic 203. Pink hootchie at 42 feet at 7:00 didn't get landed but felt decent. Next about 7:30 anchovy at 52 feet gets smashed, a 23 pounder finds its way to the net. Covered a lot of ground and waited a long time for the next bite.
11:00 headed back and a 14 pound spring on the tomic again at 72 feet to finish the morning.


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I was just looking at the Stamp and Sproat fish cameras. There are lots moving up the river. Just saw one massive Chinook, filled the screen. Seems to be a lot of fish going up there mostly in the morning
Getting better slowly around china creek. 4 bites this morning... first right after sun up a barely legal spring on the 7 inch tomic 203. Pink hootchie at 42 feet at 7:00 didn't get landed but felt decent. Next about 7:30 anchovy at 52 feet gets smashed, a 23 pounder finds its way to the net. Covered a lot of ground and waited a long time for the next bite.
11:00 headed back and a 14 pound spring on the tomic again at 72 feet to finish the morning.
Was doing a similar thing on friday and yesterday. Only had one nice hit on skinny g in 30ft. Glad to hear other folks fishing plugs in inlet. Been stacking tubby's. Worked last year but I'm yet to pull one in. Hoping it picks up later this week.
First bite just after first light on tomic #203, smaller fish spit the hook. Trolled all the way down to the boundary line from china creek and nothing. Then as we're crossing sides in the middle... double header! Anchovy at 45 and 3.5 coyote spoon at 50 hard fighters both of them and lost them both!!! About an hour later got alarmed to the sound of drag peeling, look over to see white hootchie at 30 feet disappearing fast. This time redemption. 24 pounder sees the deck. Tons and i mean TONS of wood out there today be careful when running.


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Any halibut ever caught in the inlet?
Sorry not a report just a question.
See a lot of guys talking about a boundary by china creek. Unsure where this is and is it a no fish zone. We head up for the salmon derby and sometimes fish in the town site area. Is this open or will be open, also been looking at cameras and don’t see the commercial fleet there.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
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