2022 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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So did anyone else notice the terrible hook sets today? I've never lost so many fish in a day. I had an absolute freight train pop the clip and bend the rod down and start peeling line. Never seen that in my life. No shaking or bobbing, just straight bend down to the water and peeeeeeeeeling! Fought the fish for a few minutes, had him under control. Even backed off the drag a bit for the final run to the net. I felt no tug or slack and then gone. Multiple times we had big hits and within a few seconds, pop. We even tied tandem trebles and longer stingers. Nothing helped. Did the rain make them less eager to feed? I just don't get it.
I stopped running trebles a while back because it was such a pain gaff releasing shakers, and to be honest I don’t feel like it has had a negative impact on my landing ratio. I was running large naked herring with two singles and I literally couldn’t keep them off. We also had one that peeled about 300 yards and never saw it popped the clip and just kept going. Sandheads for us lines in at 705 and limits by 9
Tyee + 2 rookies in the boat +several hundred boats and no net = recipe for failure. Lost the net in a loose rod holder that fell off last night headin home in the chop and did t realize until we got out early in the am this morning. Alss Only a gaff to land our fish with. My first fight with a tyee. It was an Epic battle, thought I was sealed forsure at one point, as the thing just pulled with such force it was insane. Had to put the boat in neutral to get it in close enough to have a crack at it it was pulling so hard. We got it up to the side of the boat 3 times. Friend took 3 swings and3 misses with the gaff before it broke the flasher. *sigh* that’s fishing. Only 25 so I’ll get another crack at one but damn that one hurts. Might need some therapy sessions after seeing that tank up close and watching it sink into the depths. 43169038-55B9-4A68-94F4-D5F331331447.jpeg
But the fishing magician said we're supposed to follow the Grady Whites?
…. Yes. I said that. ✅

Nice that there are fish to go around for everyone right now. In another week everyone is going to be sick of white chinooks

Everyone is all smiles filling the tub right now. Don’t forget though what you have been missing out on all summer until September 1 in the name of politics.

Also remember my post August 31-take twice the number of anchovies you think you’ll need.

So did anyone else notice the terrible hook sets today? I've never lost so many fish in a day. I had an absolute freight train pop the clip and bend the rod down and start peeling line. Never seen that in my life. No shaking or bobbing, just straight bend down to the water and peeeeeeeeeling! Fought the fish for a few minutes, had him under control. Even backed off the drag a bit for the final run to the net. I felt no tug or slack and then gone. Multiple times we had big hits and within a few seconds, pop. We even tied tandem trebles and longer stingers. Nothing helped. Did the rain make them less eager to feed? I just don't get it.
Pressure change. High pressure and change iN tide movement. Also many of the fish you have been hooking the last 2 days have been there now for a day and a half.
So did anyone else notice the terrible hook sets today? I've never lost so many fish in a day. I had an absolute freight train pop the clip and bend the rod down and start peeling line. Never seen that in my life. No shaking or bobbing, just straight bend down to the water and peeeeeeeeeling! Fought the fish for a few minutes, had him under control. Even backed off the drag a bit for the final run to the net. I felt no tug or slack and then gone. Multiple times we had big hits and within a few seconds, pop. We even tied tandem trebles and longer stingers. Nothing helped. Did the rain make them less eager to feed? I just don't get it.
I didn't notice this today. Only one hit that didn't stick. That being said, I've had days just as you described. I wouldn't think too much about it. You'll probably find it completely different next time out.
I didn't notice this today. Only one hit that didn't stick. That being said, I've had days just as you described. I wouldn't think too much about it. You'll probably find it completely different next time out.
Yes, this was an anomaly for me. More often than not I'm locked in. I'm not going to lose more than three days sleep over it. I promise.
If you stay at either sandheads or T10 and you start to take on water, you can just grab onto the boat next to you. I can't believe guys are fishing in those ridiculous packs. I had about 5 boats near me first thing thing this morning. Hadn't seen anyone near that spot earlier in the week. I trolled away from them and kept catching fish. As it turns out, there's a body of water between the two spots and the fish aren't magically traveling between them, they're just swimming. Crazy, I know.
Traffic there was nothing like Pt Alberni or Wilf rock in the old days.
Lol nice I hate rush hour too but do u guys think my boat is too small to make it from McDonald beach out there waves swells current etc hoping to try and get a fish but if boat is too small won’t bother
You should launch at stevston if it gets to rough you can just head back in closer
Got to SH around 7:30 and jumped right in to the bite ! Nailed a 29.5lbder, tied me record ! 4 in and hour then poof nothing! Buddy said at 2:30 we are done well at 2 we got a nice one and while I was putting it into the box .... Buddy gets a 12 lb while he is just setting his gear ! done


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Solid day zig zagging through the pack at the T10 couldnt ask for much better weather. Glow white hooch 65’. Bites were slow but it paid off with 2 hogs in the boat by 1pm. Took my dad out for his first time in many years. Not a damn thing to complain about!!


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Fished west van today- 11-5 lost a hog to my cannon ball was using glow hoochie- then after a few change ups/ depths all over my buddy’s rod goes off - white squirt hooch- landed this beauty- redemption!!!


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Did the run across from Ladysmith again today. Lines in at 6:30 at sand heads. Trolled for 2 hrs with no luck, had enough of fishing in the pack , so moved north and immediately caught one around 12 lbs. the next hour and a half was non stop. Boated 4, lost 1 decent 1, released a beauty wild coho that was pushing 10 lbs. All fish at 51 ft on anchovies Beauty day on the water. Better crossing back today than Saturday. It sure is a lot nicer fishing away from the crowd. Great day, great weather.
How long is the trip from lady smith must have a big boat ?
I picked up this herring rig down in Seattle area. I decided to try it today with a monster herring in it. Was just about to pull it when a good fish hit it but got off. Put it back down and ended up getting another fish fairly quickly. Got three more after that on it. Was fishing it 10 ft above or below another line that had a flasher on it and it was pretty effective. Ran out of of larger herring and was using it with 6-inch ones and it was still working well. It was fun fighting the fish without a flasher!


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