The Rodfather
New Member
I stopped running trebles a while back because it was such a pain gaff releasing shakers, and to be honest I don’t feel like it has had a negative impact on my landing ratio. I was running large naked herring with two singles and I literally couldn’t keep them off. We also had one that peeled about 300 yards and never saw it popped the clip and just kept going. Sandheads for us lines in at 705 and limits by 9So did anyone else notice the terrible hook sets today? I've never lost so many fish in a day. I had an absolute freight train pop the clip and bend the rod down and start peeling line. Never seen that in my life. No shaking or bobbing, just straight bend down to the water and peeeeeeeeeling! Fought the fish for a few minutes, had him under control. Even backed off the drag a bit for the final run to the net. I felt no tug or slack and then gone. Multiple times we had big hits and within a few seconds, pop. We even tied tandem trebles and longer stingers. Nothing helped. Did the rain make them less eager to feed? I just don't get it.