2022 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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I went out yesterday afternoon to Ambleside. It was slow. We hit the wrong tide. We do way better at Ambleside when the tide is coming in. So we got nothing in a few hours. We left to play pickle ball. The last evening bite should be good today at Ambleside.
Hit the Yellow Can at first light and did laps from there to the Cap Mouth. Surprisingly civilized for Cap mouth. I guess only the hardcores out today. Fished it hard until 11 bouncing the ball off the bottom with bait. No love. Just a camera day taking pictures of scenery and boats. Only saw a net out 5 times. 3 times that actually went for a landing. Heard/Saw the happy guy with his dog. Good times but time to start thinking about trapping and feeder hunting. My favourite time of year.
We went out for a fish around the bell bouy quickly hit a small salmon. It came straight to the boat dragging the flasher behind it and went between downrigger braid and boat before I could catch up with it then ripped around dodging a seal under the boat and around the motors.
…yes I lost my gear. Nothing of size caught after that nth arm and t10.
A lot of bait and (smaller) fish marked at nth arm, two com boats netting there. Jigged up a 4”herring.
Didn’t feel like braving the cap crowd.
Great day playing hooky yesterday celebrating my amazing son's 17th birthday. Started off early @ Sandheads and worked our way north to T10 with non-stop action with smaller fish from 8-11am - tons of feed everywhere. Kept 1 clipped coho, released 3 small springs, had 1 sockeye spit the hook just outside netting range, lost something big that snapped our line, and lost one downrigger ball to frayed line that I overlooked. No action at all at the Cap from 1-5pm when @BCBuoy joined us at Ambleside (tons of coho jumping being chased by seals & a couple steller sea lions), and no action back at Sandheads 6-7. Flat calm, toasty warm & crazy smoky most of the day - cannot believe these conditions in October.


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Fished SH 1030-1300. Non-stop coho action 15 minutes after dropping the lines. Unfortunately they are all wild. Got a double header at 11am. Attend to the first line trying to ID the fish. It was a wild coho. Released. Attended the other line. It was a 10-12 lb spring. Lost it by the boat. Should have net that one first. Finally gave up at 1pm after an 20 minutes tuck of war with a seal that got my fish. Most likely a coho. I had to cut my line because I got a sore arm fighting with it. It was fun with the non stop actions.
Fished Ambleside yesterday from 1.30pm to 5pm to catch the high slack at 3pm. Initially having no luck then watched a charter boat catch 3 coho over about a 45 minute period and noticed he was using a black flasher. Didn’t see the spoon he was using. But I decided that maybe the fish were looking for something darker to chase than the Avocado Dream spoon I was using. So changed it up to a black and white Cop Car spoon and within 15 minutes pulled in a 9lb spring off the bottom. My buddy changed his to a Cop Car and in the next 45 mins pulled in a couple of 12lb’ers. All fish caught in the 90 mins after high slack.
North Arm yesterday, fished for 1.5 hours. 5 flashers. 1.7 MPH small squirt behind the humpy special targeting chum hit a chrome hatch buck coho 8LB.

Landing net went overboard and we lost sight of it so if you see one floating around DM me.
Fished Sandheads Wednesday and Today with my brother. Wednesday we were a little late and had to wait for the tide to come in to launch. Didn't get the lines in till 11 am, but as soon as a herring was out behind the boat we had a coho. It was great coho action till about 1 pm and became slow till about 330pm then we caught three more. Only two hatchery coho. I think four were caught right on the surface behind the boat either on a hootchie or a herring. That was intense to watch their wakes slashing back and forth till they caught it.

Thursday we went out earlier and beat the low tide at the launch. We caught a wild coho right away bit then it was dead till about 11 again. Then the action went crazy for an hour. We also caught a nice 12 Chum. No hatchery coho. We also had some chasing on top today but we noticed they were swimming much slower and basically mouthing the bait and spitting it. We noticed our last ten hits were just a quick jerk and gone. Seems they were less aggressive today.

No springs for us. My brother really wanted to run into one I said will be better next Sept 1st.

Ran squirts and small herring in anchovies teaser heads at depths of surface to 90 feet and all seemed to catch fish.


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