2022 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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Started at n arm and got into 2 wild coho then decided to troll to T10. Halfway there came into a school of bait so thick all 4 lines on the rods shook. A first for me. Bait everywhere to T10 and not one hit unfortunately. Ended the day at the cap watching a few nets out. But not for me. Still a happy day.
Started at n arm and got into 2 wild coho then decided to troll to T10. Halfway there came into a school of bait so thick all 4 lines on the rods shook. A first for me. Bait everywhere to T10 and not one hit unfortunately. Ended the day at the cap watching a few nets out. But not for me. Still a happy day.

I saw that bait too around t10...total shutout otherwise, seems like that's it for the Fraser fishery, for myself anyway. I passed the cap around 4 pm, it wasn't that bust but I kept going to crush banquets in the shed and clean the boat up. Wicked season, bring on the winters!!
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