Winter Reports Sooke and Victoria 2008/2009

I was tempted to try it this a.m., still looks ok..
but the forecast is for stronger wind picking up.
I don't know anybody who's been out this week [?]
Poor lonely salmon...swimming around down there wondering where all those colourful tasty looking creatures have disappeared to.


Ah well, the weather will warm up soon enough...I hope to get some fishing in over the holidays.

Driving by the waterfront today and I saw a single boat fishing off Clover Point. Looked fairly calm out there.
quote:Originally posted by chris73

One of those two new suzuki's failed already? What happened?

Fuel pump wouldn't spin up. I think it was actually my fault, I wasn't paying attention to the water seperators in my boat, one tank took a gulp of water and I was used to draining the seperator regulaliry. Well, when I got to the boat, instead of being able to drain it (the Racor), it was frozen solid. After I got the damn thing off, and got antoher one on, the motor chuffed and farted for a few mins, and then was dead. I think some ice got in the pump. Just a kick in my arse for being lazy off season.

Last Chance Fishing Adventures
Went out for some winters yesteday (Saturday)
Here are some pics of Cheanuh. You would not have wanted to use the launch.

After warming up the boat we had to poor salt water on the tie downs before we could get off the dock. Ropes were frozen solid.

Once we got off the dock it was nice on the water. Fishing was good but fish were small. Boated 5, lost 3.

Good times!

Jack - Only hurts when I breath or move, other than that I feel great!
Most importantly I did net the fish. [^]

Carefull out there boyz. The decks can be slippery in this weather.[B)]

Hey Tips Up, looks like great fun. I have been desperate to get out. What was the road like down the hill to the marina??
quote:Originally posted by Tips Up

Jack - Only hurts when I breath or move, other than that I feel great!
Most importantly I did net the fish. [^]

Carefull out there boyz. The decks can be slippery in this weather.[B)]


At least you got the important thing....the, and you didn't fall over board. So I take it your not coming by to shovel my driveway. I sure wish I would have gotten a plow for the quad.
Jack - No shoveling for me. Father inlaw has a new snow blower. (maybe that should be your next toy??) I may never shovel again! There was a plow on used Victoria. Shawnigan area. Probably gone by now.
Minor set back. I still have lots of ribs that aren't fractured. I'll be good to go fishing next weekend.

Gerry- I wouldn't be towing a boat out there. Roads were pretty slippery. Not worth risking the truck and the boat.

Went out of Breakwater for 2 hours this morning. Managed to pick up a nice 7 pound winter using the trusty Buzz Bomb. Spend hords of $ on lures but that old B/B always comes through. :)
Out on the water around noon. Dropped the lines just in the front of Secretary, fish on right away. Glow seems to be the ticket these days.
That looked promising but that was it for couple of hours when the wind picked up and got too sloppy for my liking LOL


quote:Originally posted by rb7

Went out of Breakwater for 2 hours this morning. Managed to pick up a nice 7 pound winter using the trusty Buzz Bomb. Spend hords of $ on lures but that old B/B always comes through. :)

I call trailer #12
quote:Originally posted by Deewar25

quote:Originally posted by rb7

Went out of Breakwater for 2 hours this morning. Managed to pick up a nice 7 pound winter using the trusty Buzz Bomb. Spend hords of $ on lures but that old B/B always comes through. :)

I call trailer #12
some of you guys are really getting paranoid. why don't ya ask My Escape if he banned the trailer guy and get the f*** off new guys backs!! grow up man!
quote:Originally posted by rb7

quote:Originally posted by Deewar25

quote:Originally posted by rb7

Went out of Breakwater for 2 hours this morning. Managed to pick up a nice 7 pound winter using the trusty Buzz Bomb. Spend hords of $ on lures but that old B/B always comes through. :)

I call trailer #12
some of you guys are really getting paranoid. why don't ya ask My Escape if he banned the trailer guy and get the f*** off new guys backs!! grow up man!
Why don't ya come down to the breakwater on Saturday and I'll show ya that it's possible? I'm so pi**ed off with you "men" thinking everyone is a troll. I'm going to bed. :(