Wow, man. That looks top notch.Roast turned out perfect. Just a hint of smoke. View attachment 49690
Num Nums !!!!Traditional (for us) Christmas Eve Fondue. Free Range Lamb, Free Range Chicken, Whitetail Tenderloin, Free Range Pork Tenderloin and all the veggies!
Served with a good Red by Candlelight of course!
Awesome as usual, and once again no room for dessert!!
Roast turned out perfect. Just a hint of smoke. View attachment 49690
Thanks! I killed the heat at 125 and let it sit in the warm smoker for an hour while we waited to serve. By the time I pulled it out to sear it before serving it was at 130. Probably 135 towards the ends. This was 100% medium rare, sometimes my wife thinks it looks "bloody" still but it's so far from it. I put the probe in the end of the roast dead center and as deep as possible.Looks scrumptious. I did one last night with homemade yorkies. The thermometer read 135 when I took it out to rest for 30 minutes and was a little too pink for most of my family’s liking.
I got three different thermometer readings - top under the fat cap but between the bones, front and side and each temp reading was different so I took an average of the three readings to come up with 135.
What’s the best location on a prime rib for thermometer placement?
Wow Nog - you better be exercising. I have gained 10 lbs in the last week looking at your posts...
Pic or it didn't happenI am having pork duck sausages homemade they are very yummy too