What's for dinner tonight ?

Boiled potatoes below steamed carrots in one pot; sauteed shallots, celery, onions, garlic and mushrooms in a different pan; roux made with evoo, butter, flour, spices, and potato water in a big enamel pot.
Dump everything including some cut up cooked chicken into the roux pot and smush it around.
Put it all in a huge greased cast iron skillet. Put it in the fridge and wait for your wife to play with the specialty bakery already made puff pastry when she damn well feels like it.
Bake at 400 for 40 mins, let rest about 15 mins.IMG_20230307_181149385.jpgIMG_20230307_181514645.jpg
Maple Bacon Wrapped Scallops & Oysters Rockefeller:


Served up with a fresh Garden Salad with Avo's & an Uber Fine Cabernet Sauvignon:

