Victoria Spring, and Halibut Summer 2010

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Sunday afternoon started out flat calm bite came on around 2:30 saw at
least four other boats playing fish when I banged an 18 pounder and
almost got run over by a large yacht trolling who didn't seem to know what
he was doing. Thought about going in but because it was so nice. I
stayed out and picked up a 40 pound halibut at 3:30.

Monday afternoon flat calm again to start with birds everywhere
totally unbelievable, put in four hours not even a sniff had the whole
place to ourselves, go figure.
I interpret it as the tide tables tell you the height of the water and not much more... the current table tell you the direction of the currents (Flood and Ebb) , between current changes is when you get your "slake tide" or "tide change" as every one calls it.. I always here on the Radio guys asking when is tide change and usually some one replies and they always get it wrong cause their looking at the tide tables... you want to look at the current tables... I only look at the tide table twice a year ! Once in the spring when we launch our boat to know the tide/water height for the ramp and in October when we pull the boat out... that is all I use the tide tables for..

quote:Originally posted by Slack-tider

I use the following Tides and Current web pages to attempt to fish at the right place at the right time. "Not always sucessful I may add" Why is slack on the current table different then the change between flood and epp of the tide table? When is the correct slack?

quote:Originally posted by TheRock
Good thought about looking at the tide tables! :D

Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by gravitational forces of Moon and the Sun. Currents are the movement of water created by many different forces, including the Tides. I look at both tables. If you have a tide change, you are indeed going to have a current change. You have to look at the current table to find the time of that. I know this might surprise some… but salmon don't travel with the tides... they travel with the currents. They really don't care if it is a high or low tide. Depending on the time of year, at the beginning of an incoming tide you can find yourself waiting for the current to change before marking any salmon. In any inlet, it is very much the time and direction of the CURRENTS that matters the most.
Bang on !!

quote:Originally posted by Charlie

quote:Originally posted by TheRock
Good thought about looking at the tide tables! :D

Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by gravitational forces of Moon and the Sun. Currents are the movement of water created by many different forces, including the Tides. I look at both tables. If you have a tide change, you are indeed going to have a current change. You have to look at the current table to find the time of that. I know this might surprise some… but salmon don't travel with the tides... they travel with the currents. They really don't care if it is a high or low tide. Depending on the time of year, at the beginning of an incoming tide you can find yourself waiting for the current to change before marking any salmon. In any inlet, it is very much the time and direction of the CURRENTS that matters the most.
Great info to digest. Current table is what I have been looking at for "best" fishing time. Combined with low winds, fair weather and time off work we have fishin' heaven!! You got to love Island life eh.
Pretty bleak in Oakbay this a.m., had one good screamer on for
about 30 secs and then.. nothing.
never saw a net out all morning.
I've heard that Oak Bay has really slowed down. I fished from Albert Head to Clover Point yesterday for 6 hours and had no strikes, just a limit of crabs in the traps.
Wed June 30th I was out for an evening sail on a friend’s sailboat out of the Oak Bay Marina. When we came back in there was what looked to me to be a solitary Humpback Whale swimming in and out of all the anchored boats to the west of the Marina. Strange to see it in there. It looked kind of lost.
Yes the humpback has been there for about 1 month in are Oak Bay. It is a baby and looks lost. Not sure where mother is. I think it is sick and can find its was or is feeding on everthing in sight. I don't think that is the case.

Yah nice to see some local whales establishing themselves. It's actually a juvenile gray whale. Today is Day 11 that it has been hanging around. A few scientist types have had a look at it and don't feel it is malnourished , grays can be solitary , so this could be his/her first year away from its mother. If you are coming in or out of Oak Bay Marina and you see whalewatchers hanging around it is probably around the entrance to the marina , so please slow down , grays are not that smart and will surface in front of a speeding boat.
damn mammals! think what kind of damage killers could do if they had opposing thumbs and a few Islanders! :D
damn mammals! think what kind of damage killers could do if they had opposing thumbs and a few Islanders! :D
quote:Originally posted by beemer

damn mammals! think what kind of damage killers could do if they had opposing thumbs and a few Islanders! :D

Don't they know us humans need the salmon to feed our families ?? :D
My Dad is in from Ontario. He has fished his whole life, steelhead, browns, cohos in lake Heron and Ontario. Sure would be nice to nail a couple real salmon or buts while he is here. Is there any good reports out there? Break Water, Clover or out on Con-Bank. Picked a great week to have off.

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