Victoria Spring, and Halibut Summer 2010

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just back from icy straits where i saw a 365#er. i wonder how many eggs that represents, hummmmmmm. funny how everyone ******* about the declining halibut bio mass but refuse to take any personal responsibility for their actions.
Two wrongs dont make a right. I dont get this idea that if the longliners do it why shouldnt i? Probaly enough of a hijack though i think theres a thread already a page or two back.
why tinboatrobb???????????

'cause there enough dumbfks out there that want to ***** about declining fisheries but refuse to take personal responsibility, pretty straight forward actually.

and a huge egg laden female simply releases these eggs to be fertilized by some passing male, also pretty straight forward and unlike a 60 y/o woman, it works amazingly well.

pretending this is a hundred years ago and all is well is nonsense. take what you can consume, release the big females and give nature a hand in moving along inspite of our defiling this planet.

now much untreated sewage are you vic boys puttin' in the strait?
Both guys have a valid point. Everyone has their opinion.

For me..... thats one hell of a big and important fish for only a moments worth of glory. Once I eat it and it's all gone I tend to feel I should have let it go and stocked up on a couple smaller ones instead .

However it was legal and the guy made a choice.
quote:Originally posted by highlights

Both guys have a valid point. Everyone has their opinion.

For me..... thats one hell of a big and important fish for only a moments worth of glory. Once I eat it and it's all gone I tend to feel I should have let it go and stocked up on a couple smaller ones instead .

However it was legal and the guy made a choice.

Ya those are my sentiments exactly. I won't pass judgement myself on anyone either way.

With ready and available digital cameras these days you can always capture the moment with videos/photos.
X3… very much a personal choice!

Concerning the other thread… Hat’s off, to Captain Dudds, for the release! Well done!
Concerning this thread… Hat’s off, for the catch one nice fish, enjoy your dinner! Well done!

Either, is very much a decision to be made, by the individual! I WISH, I were in the position to have had to make that decision, to keep or release a 200-pound plus halibut! I can’t say what I would or wouldn’t have done, but those things are still very good eating and are a ‘fish of a lifetime’, at least for most of us! And, my wife really loves halibut!

Just to make a couple things a little clearer for those thinking of keeping or releasing. Both, of those gals weren’t anywhere near 60 years old, probably closer to 15 years - right in their prime and VERY fertile! If anyone is wondering about survival, Halibut do not have swim bladders and do not suffer severely from changes in water pressure. The survival rate of halibut caught on sport gear and released in excellent condition (not gaffed!), is believed to be at least 95%.

In either case, again it is 100% the choice of the angler; whichever you decided – enjoy! Wish it were me! :)

I hate to say it boys, but if i catch a fish that big and keep it. I dont know if I will post the pics. I know I will keep the first big one I get, 150+ after that the camera will come out and be enough. But its to much controversy. I dont want to be frowned upon everytime I see you guys at the dock or thought of as a bad or un ethical fisherman! I do want to keep one big one in my lifetime. And I dont think thats to much to ask. I bet if that guy gets another hali over 100 pounds he will release it anyways!

It is healthy to have different opinions. It is counterproductive and childish to insult someone with a different opinion than yours. I have found that the best way to influence people , is to lead by example and cerebral conversation. Nice fish, Osprey
Ill agree with Trev on this one I used to think let it go!!! but ever since DFO has screwed us in halibut and salmon fishing and all these meeting I have attended, What we take as a sportfiserman in "big" hali really isnt much compared to what a commercial fleet does so YES Id take it too now.
Conrgrats on the fisherman who got it!!!!!!!

so now back to the reports


Blue Wolf Charters
quote:Originally posted by wolf

Ill agree with Trev on this one I used to think let it go!!! but ever since DFO has screwed us in halibut and salmon fishing and all these meeting I have attended, What we take as a sportfiserman in "big" hali really isnt much compared to what a commercial fleet does so YES Id take it too now.
Conrgrats on the fisherman who got it!!!!!!!

so now back to the reports


Blue Wolf Charters
Yeah, killing that fish will really get even with DFO. [:0]
Its got nothing to do with getting even its about allocation thats it...we are a miniscule part in what we take but are the ones who get shut down etc


Blue Wolf Charters
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