Victoria Spring, and Halibut Summer 2010

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Hey slack tider , just follow Craven! :D The gap is basically the west side of Discovery/Chatham. The Gap , the oldtimers say, referrs to the space between Discovery and Chatham , but no fish in there and lots of hittable rocks!The best area for salmon is usually from this "gap" nw to Baynes Channel. Watch your gear lots of ups and downs.

The flats are a pretty general term , basically the sandy flat area off Oak Bay. Draw a line from Trial Island to the Southern tip of Discovery everything between that line , excluding Plumper Passage north to the Chain islets are the flats. The sand dunes further south of Oak Bay are sometimes referred to as the flats when Hali fishing.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Beemer. I'll get the chart out and plot the areas. Ya there is a few ups and down out there...I've lost a couple balls this season. Looking fantastic out there today.

Was out yesterday in the gap and caught a 9.4lb hatch at 90ft, lost a similar size at the boat. Lots of boats out there the most I have ever seen fishing in Oakbay. I was out from 6:30am - 2:00pm.
Fathers day present :D

My buddy hit a 244lb butt on the waterfront on Sunday I dont know how to post but if some one sent me a e-mail Id sent them the pic to post
quote:Originally posted by Slack-tider

Holy crap!!! Either that guy is a midget or that's one big fish. Tell me the weight again.


well, i assume thats a meter stick on it, so 2m pretty close...he said 244, 2m is a 276lb estimate, so i'd say dats the real deal!
OMG That is why we fish boys That is a trophy for sure. That is awesome. Wowzers. I bet there is a lot of stories with this fish would love to hear all about it.

Course he landed it. I Tired it out last week. Damn thing broke me off. I can tell it was the same fish because of the white spots on it's belly.


Kidding of course
Wow !! I was fishing Halibut on Saturday off Victoria.. that is so inspiring knowing a fish that size was lurking out there !!
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