Victoria 2013 Reports

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I usually fish near bottom and one rod 20 ft off . I stay in the 80-85 ft range regardless of where the other boats are.

Went to Constance this morning and missed the bite that jffisher found but waited out these two hatchery springs. Coho killers and squirts on the bottom weren't working for us. We got these two on bait at 70 feet in 90+ feet of water. Shook two pinks. Flat calm all day - not always warm, but easy fishing. The jiggers seemed to be doing pretty well and there were springs and halibut at the ramp.
I decided to hit the Flats. That was a good choice because we caught a 16, and a 10.
The 10, was stuffed full of worms though. Does anybody know if that affects the meat at all? It was kind of gross.
Sounds like a great give away fish to me rockdog.

We're they tape worms in the stomach or worms in the meat? I don't think you need to worry about either really but it's hard to enjoy your meal when your thinking about the worms.
Thanks GDW. They were long, pinkish, and in the stomach. Not in the meat. I would have taken a pic, but my hands were all bloody from gutting.
All in the belly, but a real handful, maybe a bit more. When I pulled them out they were all squirming.
salmon or halibut? I've noticed alot of the halibut have worms in the stomach and flesh fishing around tofino, euculet...... never noticed worms in halibut up in Prince Rupert. not saying they don't have them but I never noticed any in all the halibut I've taken up there. at least not in the flesh anyways.
I heard they can be in the meat you dont see them until you cook and then they curl up like a little o. So grossed out.

I def recommend bleeding your fish. There is like no blood when it comes time to clean. Fish beside me at cleaning table.. freakin blood bath. He was filleting and getting it all over the meat, wasnt pretty. I forgot how bloody it can be.
Is the spring action picking up around the breakwater yet? The fish in Sooke should be making their way around by now.
There are a few fish being caught, but a lot of boats getting nothing or the occassional pink salmon. I wouldn't call it hot by any means, mostly spotty the past few days.

Is the spring action picking up around the breakwater yet? The fish in Sooke should be making their way around by now.
breakwater is never hot, but it does have spurts where its good. You really gotta put your time in to get those big days. IMO.
breakwater is never hot, but it does have spurts where its good. You really gotta put your time in to get those big days. IMO.

Very true, I haven't fished it this year.
I had one good day there Aug 2011 where I caught 2- 22lb springs
early one afternoon just as most of the boats had departed.
I'd have to say the same I see the same boats every time on the waterfront . Some boats do O.K. I usually just pick up feeder springs. when there is so many areas loaded with fish nearby I think it's worth the effort to trailer the boat out of town to sooke or to go out to constance.

yesterday morning I was out on the bank again slower than the previous morning got one 15 lb red and then missed two fish that spat the hook.

I agree about the breakwater. I've spent a lot of time there this year, more than other years. I never expect to go there and reel in big Springs non-stop. I've had three days I would call 'good' there this year since early July.

I don't care though, being on the water in a fog free, uncrowded area is great. Catching a fish or two is just an added bonus.
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