Victoria 2013 Reports

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Skunked at the Esquimalt Anglers derby today - fished Albert Head with my wife from dawn to the weigh-in but couldn't buy a spring and only saw one nice fish picked up out there although obviously fish were caught along the waterfront. We had some shakers in the morning and released a couple of wild coho surprisingly close to shore in the early afternoon. Beautiful sunrise and a gorgeous day with flat calm seas and then had a chance to touch base with some forum members. EA does a great job with the derby, there were prizes for everyone, including us even though we didn't get a fish and the cheeseburgers were only three bucks!

Me too, It was spotty. We went to breakwater , we trolled for 5 mins later, got a huge strike. my friend reeled up and no fish. Two hours and no actives we moved to Albert Head. we had three strikes and no fish. we moved to flag pole , nothing It was really beautiful day and clam water.. Congregations to the three anglers who won for the prize were the three largest fish were 20.4 lbs and 20.4 lbs and 19 lbs.

Approx 50 - 60 anglers got only 16 fish!
Ya, me too. Started at the breakwall, fished for an hour. I didn't like my odds there, so I packed up and hit Albert head. Fished there for a few hours, but nothing. Moved down and trolled from the lighthouse by the lagoon to esq anglers. Not a single hit, and only saw one other boat hook up, but he lost it after a short fight.
Had a great day though. I had 2 kids with me, and they both had a good day. They also won great prizes.
Great 3 days at the front, sat we got a 22lb and yesterday and today they were 12lbers but they were great fighters, today's was a white.
That's 6 fish for 6 trips one fish every time, gotta love the wise-buys brine tried the green and blue both seem to work equal!
Fished Sunday and Monday.

Sunday in the EA derby - great time but what a mess at the wall! The number of boats was sickening but the crap in the water was just too much for me. Did one pass then headed up to clover. Hit a couple pinks up there. Trolled back and headed towards albert head. Top rod went off (naked spoon) and I had a wicked battle with a 15lbr. First it came to the boat, looked at me then shot straight up out of the water about 5 feet into the air. There I was jaw wide open, line slack stairing at this fish it seemed like it got so high I almost had to look up at it! It was an incredible jump that i've seen small rainbow trout do but never a big (well ok medium) size chinook salmon! After the super jump the fish took off under the boat and surfaced on the other side where it jumped twice more. It swam back to the other side and jumped again before heading to the bow. There about 10 feet infront of the boat it jumped once, jumped twice and AWWW the spoon came flying out of it's mouth mid air. I wanted that fish but I was also not sad to see it go it was a spirited battle that the fish won with supremem technique, stamina and determination. I've got no doubt that fish will climb any set of falls it comes across in the river.

I circled the area but didn't connect again so I continued on towards albert head. Some action deep on the sounder caught my attention and with my balls dragging bottom I hooked some small springs and (I think) two halibut. One came up and was around 20 lbs the other felt like moving bottom and I pulled the hook trying to convince it to come up and stop wasting my derby time. I think I had 5 spring hits all together plus the pinks and two halibut so it was a fairly busy day for me but the majority of the salmon were small. I did get a 12lbr to weigh in though and kept a 10 near the end of the day to round out my limit. I had my eye on one of those big coolers on the prize table but at 12.0 my fish was not cooler worthy. I settled for a nice scotty bag that fits my trap puller perfectly with room for some more prawning gear.

Monday I took my girl out and we fished around the area I had the deep action the day before. I took my halibut levelwind out and hoped to get her into a fish. Like a dodo dad puts his rod down first and before I even had it buttoned up it popped off. Fish on! It was another little guy about 8lbs. I was just thinking of getting Emily to try some reeling when the fish peeled out some line. Even an 8lbr will rap your knuckes if your not careful so I decided I better play this perfect kid size fish instead of risking a bad first experience for my girl. The 8lbr was easily released and dad got the next hit too which was an even easier release because the fish shook the hook mid way through the fight.

It slowed down after that but finally Emily got her fish on. I grabbed the rod, reeled in the slack and plunked it down in the rod holder at the back of the boat. My 3 year old did a good job not getting upset at dad saying "reel reel reel" and at her own pace she cranked the levelwind and got the fish near the boat. At times she did it on her own other times I pulled the line like I was on wicked tuna while she reeled in the slack. This fish was no slouch, as it got near the boat it took off and almost pulled the line into the prop so I thought I better move the rod to one of the side rod holders. That didn't work for Emily because it was up a lot higher so she proclaimed "I'm done" and it was up to dad to finish it off.

Thankfully I was able to do my part in landing what will be a memory forever. Took me until I was 17 to catch a teenage spring my kid did it on her first day! 15.3 pounds!

Em's big fish2.jpg

Thanks to all the volunteers at esquimalt anglers. I met a nice kid from Bermuda who volunteered to help launch boats and he was in the cook shack serving burgers after the derby too. Really nice of him to take time out of his vacation to help his Grandpa. The other volunteers did a great job keeping the launch running smooth in the morning and the chaos in the afternoon. Thanks as well to the guys who used the middle of the ramp to pull their boats it was cool seeing three boats getting pulled at once that deffinetly helped shorten the line up. Everything about the event was great and I think next year I'll have to bring my ringer with me. Had she been with me and caught that fish the day before it would have won the junior catagory and had I caught it myself it would have been a cooler fish for sure!
Great story and description GDW!! I'm sure your daughter is now well on her way to becoming an ardent "fisherperson".
Yes, way to go to get the young'uns interested GDW. I'm taking a newbie kid out tomorrow hoping to get him into a fish or two.
awww cutest pic ever! love her little expression.

I told my boyfriend we need to have kids asap cuase I need someone to go fishing with since he dosnt like going out all the time lol no joke!

Great story too! I feel bad for him spitting the spoon but sounds like he deserved it! I had a 10 pounder do a 2 ft jump I thought was crazy.
I went for hali on Monday morning south of the flats. dogfish werent too bad. after a few hours and the current change, we got a few good bites, but for some reason the circle hooks were getting not hooking up after the rods getting that tap tap good steady pull hali action. Perhaps I just had a bit too much salmon belly below my last hook.
Looks like some good tides for Halibut this weekend.
Anybody gonna give it a try ?

Yeppers. Taking my momma and her best friend tomorrow who I have known since I was two. Should be good for the soul. Going to see I there are any silver first but not holding my breath. The pinks should be good learning for the girls as its their first time in years. Will take the boys Saturday as well.
I hit a double header last Sunday 8 & 17lbs deep line was a feeder and shallow a mature female.
there are still a few around.

anytime ! ;)
LOTS of beautiful 5-9 pound feeders around most are 7-8 pounds and really scrappy for their size. kept two last night 65 and 66 cm's. release about 4 and lost just as many on a quick after work shift. A few lost ones felt bigger but they probably weren't.

No mature fish for me yesterday but there are still some around. If you can't find em go to your favorite winter fishing spot and give that a try. Hang your flashers off the cannon ball if you must use em.
anytime ! "

Gonna take you up on that sometime Craven. Of course I am happy to recipricate.
We seem to fish different grounds for the most part. Would like to get out with an experienced guy in Oak Bay sometime. I'll give you a day in Sooke or a hali trip to the Boarder in return.

You've put the hali thought in my mind now. Going for a late fish today for salmon. I will decide based on that what to do this weekend.

Fished the waterfront from 6am - 12:30pm today. Team Kildonan pitched a no hitter. LOL

That's my first skunking there in a good while.

Tried the breakwater, around Esquimalt, Brotchie, flagpole.... saw no nets waving around, nothing happening.

Tried bait, Coyotes, Coho Killers, Hoochies. Just wasn't my day today. Maybe tomorrow. ;)
I went out Friday after work. Left the dock at 5:15 and fished until the sun was low in the sky. Went towards oak bay. The whales were working the flats when we arrived and i thought that was bad news. Turns out a salmons still got to eat and getting chased around must help them work up quite the appetite. As soon as the whales left a major bite started with a mix of feeders and mature fish up to 16.5 pounds.

It was a good night to take the kids. My Shimano TLD 15 and 20 hali reels work great on the downrigger and these little kids can crank away when a fish is on.

I got to put down a regular setup for myself towards the end of the evening and it hit a few of the bigger fish. Great way to spend 2.5 hours and i think a great way to end my summer fishing reports. Amazing year and my license is damn near full! Good luck on the water still time to get em.

Went out last night at 5pm with the wife for a couple hours but it didn't last that long, lost one right off the bat a few minutes after the orca's left the inside of the breakwater then 30 min later after everything settled down a double header right at the end of the breakwater 18 & 14 lbers one red one marbled fish were cleaned by 6:30. The day before fished at noon picked up a 22lber. It's still hot only a couple boats out!


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