Victoria 2013 Reports

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well being on the water anywhere is nice! But I wouldn't agree that the breakwater is uncrowded you get rocked every which way when 20 whale boats go by the coho the cruise ships and that pilot boat that creates a 4 ft chop every 15 minutes . Lol
I suppose what I mean by uncrowded is when you hook a fish, you aren't typically and suddenly surrounded by other fishers thinking every fish in the ocean is now under your boat.

And if I get tired of the pilot boat and all that racket, I just slip over across the Harbour mouth to the Esquimalt side and life is good. There are fish there too. :)

The Sooke scene and fishing tight together with other boats is not for me. My BP goes up. ;)
Still some nice mature fish around, 17lb red female this evening on a flash tail...
eggs ready to pop, wonder where she was going ? :confused:
I've done my fair share of circle jerks off the breakwater; I called it combat fishing, tight to the wall trolling towards the hot spot near the corner end was my favorite... problem is the usual suspects figure they own it.I swear the same guy was always there doing donuts off the end, so like anywhere if you wait your turn it will be few & far between. Mid Aug - 1 week of Sept the wall can produce a fish or two/day for the patient few who don't mind the wall circle jerk.:)
I was on the water a little late this morning. I left the house at 545am, good time, looking good, just starting to get light out. I got to the bottom of my road, and realized I forgot the anchovies in the freezer. Dang, turned around and went home to get them. Back on the road again. I pulled into Tim's for my pre-fishing coffee, went in and got a couple things, on my way out walking past the boat, I realized something didn't look right. No Kicker! Dang, had to go home again and grab that!
Finally made it on the water, and went straight to my spot. 1st pass..........WHAM, big hit. Fought it for 15 mins or so, beautiful 23 pounder. I thought it was gonna be one of those big days of multiple big fish. I've had that a few times in this location this summer. But not this time, that's all that would be today. Had a nice hit that fought like crazy, and even took some line. Turned out to be a 64cm lingcod that was returned to grow 1 more cm, at least.
Boat is back from Bamfield now, and so I've not had much of a chance to fish OB to Victoria since June. I'm taking a couple of guys from work out on Thursday -- hoping to try for some spring action, but willing to entertain them with coho and pinks as well. Was thinking Constance then work off the tidelines for Pink and Coho. Any thoughts? Is the waterfront or OB producing better?
Went out to Constance with two buddies yesterday and we had a good day. Buddy got a nice 16# white spring fishing shallow with bait. I lost another decent fighter but this time on a water melon spoon deeper down. And a number of pinks plus once clipped coho. Steady action = lot of fun.
I was out a week ago and picked up a 17 and a 10 pound. I was using coho killers, right on the bottom.
Thanks rockdog, was out last Friday morning early in the heavy fog and have never seen so much bait in the water. It was thick from top to bottom, the water was just bubbling. Couldn't buy a bite at any depth with anything typical for the Flats. Two guide boats were pounding fish....very frustrating! One guide yelled to the other to call him on his cell to fill him in. It's tough sometimes when there is so much bait in the water to find what separates your offering from the millions of other choices, they obviously did. Funny hearing the guide yelling at his customers through the fog reel, don't reel...what are you doing???
I fished Constance this morning from around 9 through 1 this afternoon. Picked up a couple of small Springs on anchovies in teaser heads and lost a couple. 90 - 120 feet seemed to be the ticket. Lots of bait in the water. Not many boats out today. A couple of boats jigging and maybe 3 or 4 other that were trolling. Absolutely pancake flat water and a beautiful day. From the reports it seems like the bigger Springs have move on?
Out for the night bite tonight, from 5-8. As we headed out of Esq Anglers, there was a boat coming in with a couple beauty springs, around 20lbs, from Constance, so we decided to head out there. Got a pink immediately, but then nothing doing, so we turned to halibut in closer to the Head and got a nice 18lber. Ended the night with 2 nice crabs. For just a few hours on the water, a successful night, especially for my first timer friend and his 7 year old son! What a beauty night on the water!
It was an almost perfect night out there (didn't catch anything)
Fished the breakwater, macualy and saxe pnt!
Loads of bait around, the water was boiling at times! Didn't see anyone playing anything, but did see
your pink and hali at the photo op!
Smiles everywhere!
Fished 6pm-8pm from trolling from Trial Is south Spoons 70ft on the downrigger. Came home with 1 pink and 1 small spring. Very nice weather.
Great couple days of fishing at the breakwater, yesterday we had a double header lost one landed a 28lber, and today out by myself at 9am and landed a 20lber and had a double header of pinks that were released.
Boomer its time to get down there!
Put in a long day today -- fished 7-1030 at Constance -- had one pull the hook off a coyote spoon but nothing else. Worked the tidelines around Border Bank until noon but the tides were ripping so hard we got pushed around too much and no hookups. Made our way back to Oak Bay and fished the flats and Spencer Ledge until 230 -- several rockfish and a couple of good sized Lings. Crab trap was full, mostly females, but 3 good sized males went to my fishing buddies. Water was flat calm all day -- cool out on the water but cookin hot at the docks afterwards...
Skunked at the Esquimalt Anglers derby today - fished Albert Head with my wife from dawn to the weigh-in but couldn't buy a spring and only saw one nice fish picked up out there although obviously fish were caught along the waterfront. We had some shakers in the morning and released a couple of wild coho surprisingly close to shore in the early afternoon. Beautiful sunrise and a gorgeous day with flat calm seas and then had a chance to touch base with some forum members. EA does a great job with the derby, there were prizes for everyone, including us even though we didn't get a fish and the cheeseburgers were only three bucks!
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