What would fishing-jesus do?

What would you do in this situation?

My wife (without consulting me first) booked a trip to Hornby island for the labor day long weekend this summer (end of Aug to 1st Sept). She had to book it on short notice because her friend (and their family) found a good place. Now here is the interesting part where I have two options.

Option 1) I can stay home in Victoria by myself and my wife would take both my mother and her mother along with our kid and go with the other family... I of course would be home in Victoria and (could in theory) go out and fish on my boat as much as I liked. Since my dad would be here we could make it a guys fishing weekend along with some good fishing buddies.

Option 2) I could go with my family and hang out with the other family. They would tow a fishing boat up to Hornby (18ft aluminum) BUT would only do so if I went so that I could run the boat and help them fish (the other family is very new to fishing and boating). I would be doing much of the work on the boat and trying to find the fish. I would essentially be captain/crewing it. I suspect would be more like a guide and letting them fish most of the time.

I have never fished in the Hornby island area but I know that fishing is VERY good down in Victoria/Sooke during the long weekend. Its my favorite time of year for fishing here. Is hornby island good that time of year for fishing? I get along with the other family ok but I am not close to them. I do enjoy fishing with my friends down here. Is it worth it to experience a long weekend in Hornby island?

So as stated what would you do?
Are you over the age of 19?
Would you like to stay happily married?
No brainer 🤣
I understand your aversion to travel and teaching newbies
As a person who went through a similar situation involving a race car rebuild and my first august long weekend race special feature planned was given the last minute
In-law reunion deal
Long story made short I didn’t race went for my kids and wife, ended up divorced anyway
I will spare everyone the details lol
I don’t think that’s the issue here as much as it’s joked about
Do whatever makes you happy and life will take its course
Absence makes the heart grow fonder some people say !
Some people do better with some space once in awhile
But life is too short to question yourself
You know your own situation
Enjoy whatever you choose is the key
You think thats a difficult choice ??? Years ago I drew a bull elk LEH up at Woss. I was all excited as I started to get my gear together. My 10 yr old daughter asked ..."What are you doing Daddy ? I explained that Daddy just hit the LEH jackpot and was heading up Island to set up camp and I would not be back for several days "When" she asked. I gave her the dates.. She went running out the room to Mommy..."Daddy isnt going to my dance recital that I practiced for ALL YEAR !!! He is going HUNTING !!!!!!! Waaaaa 😭. No pressure here at all. So I delayed my trip to Woss and prayed that the bulls would still be around the following week. When I got to Woss I talked to a buddy that drove a logging truck in the valley . His comment was ..".Ya sure screwed that up. Several nice bulls were taken, but the rest have buggered off into the high timber" But I tried anyway. Saw 50-60 cows and young uns . No bulls. Came home with my tail between my legs. Wife asked " What did you get ?" I didnt answer. Just poured a drink and wondered how many daddy brownie points I gained . One of lifes "choices" where a daddy has little effect on the outcome. Never filled that tag. But I got another "attaboy" from my wife....... My choice ? You have a tough decision but in your case either decision is a winner. Great heading out with Dad, but I bet he would understand your dilemma if you chose Hornby. And as a local in the area, as pointed out, the fishing can be great on the south end. ( and the beach is really awesome too. ) If you are easily offended, stay away from Little Tribune Bay-- Its clothing optional !
Go to Hornby. Lots of good fishing in Sooke the first portion of August. Plenty of slot fish for the freezer. Fish Sooke before you go and then explore Hornby area. Sound like a great fishing season to me. Going to Hornby will open lots of doors for you.
How is it your dad is getting away with not going?
there just happens to be some pretty epic coho fishing at or around Norris Rocks all the way around the corner to Helliwell. coho are easy to catch and imagine how much of a hero you would be.

then just casually drop you and the old man are going on a tuna fishing charter.

gauge the anger and adjust accordingly. chicks like that kinda stuff
there just happens to be some pretty epic coho fishing at or around Norris Rocks all the way around the corner to Helliwell. coho are easy to catch and imagine how much of a hero you would be.

then just casually drop you and the old man are going on a tuna fishing charter.

gauge the anger and adjust accordingly. chicks like that kinda stuff
More wisdom and myths in this than in the whole bible, I think.
Jesus would say “cast your net on the other side”
And the net would be full !
So we don’t use nets and that’s what he said so take it from there.
Other than that I got nothing