trailing hook


I was curios as to how many people tie their anchovy leaders with a trailing hook. If you do, is it a treble or single? I use a treble up front and then a red gammy single on the back. Those that don't do you think that the trailer hook impedes the action?

Hardly ever use trebles (too much damage to release the undersized ones) and always have a loose trailer on the anchovies with the front hook being a slider.

Hardly ever use trebles (too much damage to release the undersized ones) and always have a loose trailer on the anchovies with the front hook being a slider.

Blue Orca
I was wondering about the use of two singles as well and have heard that it makes for a better hook set in some cases. I never used to use a trailer until reading that some do on a previous topic here some months ago. I have been using the tandem rig and was just wondering how many others do as well. I find that stinger hook is the one that gets them many times. The use of a slider up front is a good idea, now I have another knot to learn.
Blue Orca
I was wondering about the use of two singles as well and have heard that it makes for a better hook set in some cases. I never used to use a trailer until reading that some do on a previous topic here some months ago. I have been using the tandem rig and was just wondering how many others do as well. I find that stinger hook is the one that gets them many times. The use of a slider up front is a good idea, now I have another knot to learn.
Ditto Eagle Eyes. I can see using a single instead as a stinger (trailer) but two singles sounds odd to least in terms of getting good hook sets or even proper action.
Ditto Eagle Eyes. I can see using a single instead as a stinger (trailer) but two singles sounds odd to least in terms of getting good hook sets or even proper action.
I've been using #1 or #2 treble up front with a trailing #5 gatsu, works great.

....But with two singles, would you set the hook into the bait to get the roll action happenin???

Remember, "When the Fish aren't Biting...the Fish aren't Biting!!"
I've been using #1 or #2 treble up front with a trailing #5 gatsu, works great.

....But with two singles, would you set the hook into the bait to get the roll action happenin???

Remember, "When the Fish aren't Biting...the Fish aren't Biting!!"
i used 2 single all last year and it worked great. anything you didn't want or couldn't keep was released easily, and with minor harm done to the fish. also, i found it stuck better when you set the hooks. same reason fish rarely ever shake off a plug. it does effect the roll, but not very much, and you can adapt and get the same roll anyways. also, singles are much stronger, i use gamy's (5/0 for chovies and a combo of a 5/0 and a 7/0 for herring, cut or whole) and i've never had one break or bend. plus, they are easier to sharpen, and cost less.

sorry for ranting, i'm just a strong supporter of singles, mostly because i saw a lot of people releasing dead coho last year.

Thanks Captain Dudds
i used 2 single all last year and it worked great. anything you didn't want or couldn't keep was released easily, and with minor harm done to the fish. also, i found it stuck better when you set the hooks. same reason fish rarely ever shake off a plug. it does effect the roll, but not very much, and you can adapt and get the same roll anyways. also, singles are much stronger, i use gamy's (5/0 for chovies and a combo of a 5/0 and a 7/0 for herring, cut or whole) and i've never had one break or bend. plus, they are easier to sharpen, and cost less.

sorry for ranting, i'm just a strong supporter of singles, mostly because i saw a lot of people releasing dead coho last year.

Thanks Captain Dudds
I use 2 trebles but looking at the postings I will try the singles.


Catch it,Kill it,Smoke it.
I use 2 trebles but looking at the postings I will try the singles.


Catch it,Kill it,Smoke it.
Another singles fan, in my case, two 4/0 red or black Gamis. Front hoof thru the side of the body and the rear to or slightly past the tail. Almost all my fish are taken on the trailer.

Own your own stuff.
Another singles fan, in my case, two 4/0 red or black Gamis. Front hoof thru the side of the body and the rear to or slightly past the tail. Almost all my fish are taken on the trailer.

Own your own stuff.
Yote, No need to learn a new knot. Slide your first hook on and attach your rear hook with a snell loop.
The front is then snelled on with a separate length of lighter test line which permits it to slide up and down the line.
This set up solves two problems
- you can always adjust the length according to the bait size
- fish bitting the lead hook slide down to the rear, thus hooking twice.
I will try and find an illistration for you and will post if I can find a good one.
