Made a long handle gaff - you can too!


Well-Known Member
While waiting for halibut to open I wanted a light aluminum handled gaff. I have a shorter wood handle gaff but sometimes I prefer the long handle one so I don't have to lean over the boat. Saw a few being used on YouTube vids where they hooked tuna and Mahi from under the fish and pulled up. I liked how they can just hook the fish without bending overboard.

Had a broken Gibbs landing net with a 4 foot handle so thought I'd make it into something useful.

I bought the gaff hook at Trotac. Rest of the stuff I had on hand at home.

Materials needed.
1) Gaff hook with bend at the bottom of the shank
2) Aluminum Handle/pole (you could use wood)
3) Jute cord (dollar store for rolls of 3) or any rope That will absorb epoxy.
4) 5 minute dollar store epoxy
5) Optional foam to push into the handle tube to help with floatation.

A) Basically I took the net handle, removed the broken hoop.
B) Drilled a hole to put the bottom anchor of the gaff hook into the aluminum handle,
C) Wrapped the hook with a bit of braided fishing line or tape to hold in place.
D) wrapped the cord from the bottom to top and used a separate U loop at the top 1/4 of the wrapping to pull the tag end back into the warped line it hide it.
E) used 5 minute epoxy and spread it in the cord that's wrapped around the hook and handle.
F) optional. I stuffed some foam into the handle to help with floatation (do it before wrapping if you can so more foam is in the handle. Capped the top with a bit of caulking then cork then epoxy. Added a 5 cent coin to help push the epoxy to the sides and made it look cool.20250217_164846.jpg20250217_164854.jpg20250218_210728.jpg

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I have something similar made with Princess Auto stainless meat hook and a broken high jump cross bar.
I love it for catching the dock in the wind. It lives in the back of my canopied truck to reach stuff without crawling in over the tailgate when I'm not fishing.
Yours is much nicer.
Got any carbon fiber hockey sticks laying around? They work great too
I don't but I had the aluminum handle from a broken net. I've heard golf club with the club part cut off work too as well as bamboo rods etc.
This gaff will live outside on my boat so I like it better then the wood handled gaff I have now. Aluminum gaff handle on an aluminum boat. ;)
GREAT idea but I will warn you thats gonna bend huge you sink thet thing into a halibut when they twist and turn look out.. by the pic of your boat it probally only has 2 feet of frreeboard do you plan on standing on the gunnel?? LOL
GREAT idea but I will warn you thats gonna bend huge you sink thet thing into a halibut when they twist and turn look out.. by the pic of your boat it probally only has 2 feet of frreeboard do you plan on standing on the gunnel?? LOL
Thanks for the input!!! The handle is free so if it does bend on me I'll just take the hook make it again with something stronger. My boat has higher sides then my friends and my last boat. Also the extra length lets me push it underwater further to get under the fish without having to bend overboard.

I would LOVE to catch a hali big/strong enough to bend the handle so here is hoping I prove you right!!! hahaha