Squid Jigging?

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Squid jigging is pretty popular down in Puget Sound. Do the squid also come into the Strait of Georgia? I haven't heard much about it up here....
We have lots of squid up the Georgia Straits...don't know anyone who goes after them though...Around the Miracle Beach area this summer (took the kids out tubing) saw lots of 12 to 14 inch ones in about 20 feet of water...Should be fairly easy to jig for them and stock up on hali bait but was not thinking at the time!!!

I'll ask around down here (Seattle Area) and see what they do and then give it a shot. It's usually done off the docks in Seattle and they have these odd plastic/glow in the dark jigs.

I have never seen a squid up in the Strait or Howe Sound before... not even washed up on the beach. I have caught a couple octopus, but I realize that squid and octopus have completely different habits....

It'll could be interesting....
A few years ago at an open house at the Pacific Biological station they were doing demonstration seines in the harbour right in front of the station and they had a kiddie pool set up that they emtied the nets into. They had about 100 squid in that pool that had been caught. I found that interesting because I have never seen a squid around here dead on the beach or otherwise and I spend a fair bit of time around the water. If I am talking to a biologist from the station I will ask more about local squid.
Malibuguy -

I'd be interested to know what he says!

Is your screen name referring to the Malibu up by Princess Louisa Inlet or down in California?
i saw that thread (im tyee slayer there), they are scary things. really really aggressive. saw a show on them/...attacked the diver vicijously

i dont want to know what they are going to do to our native fish stalks
Clarification, squid are present almost everywhere on the B.C. coast. Just this last season I witnessed a humble squid take a cut plug. It measured 3' 9" in length. The next day a school of the same squid swam directly under our floats.
I have jigged squid everywhere from the Queen Charlottes through to Hakai Pass and all the way down to southern Vancouver Is. The jigs that were formentioned are the most common way to catch the inky little buggers. Oh ya and a good spot light.-dirty
I worked on a dragger a little while back and we got lots of squid in our tows. Most were about 3 feet long but we did get one monster that we measured at 8'10''. It had a beak on it thatd take your hand off like nothin.
Dirtdog, Chevy;

When is it a good time to catch them little buggars? Is it a seasonal thing or an anytime thing. Ive heard its the males that are attracted to the jigs thinking that they are going to get lucky durring the mating season... Whenever that is. But I have no idea if this theory holds water.

Don't think I'm interestd in those 3-8 footers.

"Some like it rough".
DD - So you jig at night with artificial lighting? I think that might be why people fish off the docks in Seattle for them....
Hi boys, pier 12 in seattle is where you will find the orientals jigging for the little devils

thanks the runt