Sportfishingbc "Just for fun of it halibut derby"

Sounds likes a great idea all meet on a night that tyee can go past 8 pm ok 8:30 lol any thoghts ill try and organzie it up but ill need help i may be able to get some little prizes too from some people lets make this a fun event

Already commited to helping Wolf and others in setting this up. Saturday March 25 the date. Entry fee okay @ say $10 per person? What area boundries for fishing are we setting for the derby? Where should we have the official weigh in station? Coming soon Sign up forms on this forum to fill out and send in asap so we can get a good count on the numbers attending? Fun filled fish planning session the night before?

I've been extremely busy but time to hammer this thing out and everyones input is very important.

Hugh and TT have also commited to assisting in any way needed.

Thanks guys for coming up with this idea, it's going to a blast.

Cheers MyEscape

Edited by - MyEscape on 01/26/2006 20:26:27
Sounds like guys will be coming from Sooke marina's, West Bay, Oak Bay, Esquimalt Anglers, Sidney and maybe even from Cow Bay. I think being only a morning show the usual, Constance, Oak Bay Flats, Borderbank. Race Rocks 18 and 27 Fathom. Say Cordova Bay to Sherringham Point or maybe Sidney too? Jordan River is maybe a bit far for a morning fish Even for me running from Sooke. Just some thoughts,It's all for fun. What do you fella's think?

Edited by - maddog on 01/26/2006 21:09:59
Great boundries oak bay to race im sure i can hook up something with esquimalt anglers as a weigh in spot and that puts you right in the middle of every where you want to be.

All sounds great, you guys know the area far better then me. Wolf can you find out if we can have the official weigh in @ esquimalt anglers.

We also have more guys coming down from up island besides me.

Where should we have the get together afterwards? How do we collect the money? Where should we have the Friday Night get together?

I will email Hugh so he can get started on building the page for the derby and will let him know we should have the rest of the details worked out by Monday or Tuesday of next week.

With the amount of adavance notice this should be well attended.

Cheers MyEscape

Edited by - MyEscape on 01/27/2006 06:33:52
It's going to be a blast!

"Wolf", sounds like you are sort of unofficially the "go to guy" so let me know if there is something you need me to do to help.
Well this is going to be a short little FUN derby and the weigh in will probably be around 1 or 2 but if you think you can be back bye that time from there but i dont think you can so ill have to see what others say but im leaning toward local vic area.

I vote for a 2 0'clock weigh in and open the boundaries to as far west as someone wants to run. If your a minute late for the weigh in, tough your out of luck.
I see no problems with opening up the boundries providing cut off time for weigh in is @ 2pm and I hope most guys agree.(looking like weigh in @ Esquimalt Anglers if all works out.) That way everyone has time to meet for late lunch, some pops and reward the winners. I know some people are going to be traveling back home that night from the mid and upper island. So I don't think it would be good idea to have the weigh in time to late in the day and besides the tides dictate a good early morning fishing adventure anyways.

Working on some sponsoured prizes and so are others. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Cheers MyEscape

Edited by - MyEscape on 01/27/2006 20:23:00
Ya, I don't see any reason to get technical about boundaries. As long as you get to weighin before deadline, fill your boots.
Yes, our boat is moored in Sidney. We'll probably run or tow to Victoria for the derby, but if not, I wanted to know if we could still fish Sidney.

This is a really good idea, maybe it should be called the 1st annual sportfishing bc derby! I wish i had a trailer for my boat..maybe next year <img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
nedarb2 This will be the 1st Annual Sportfishingbc "Just For Fun" Halibut Derby.

I was quite involved in the planning of Chumfest 2005 which was a derby that we tied into the Annual Chum Derby in Browns Bay for fishbc members and friends. I invited all the members of sportfishingbc and funfisher and some of them showed up as well. We had a turn out of over 30 people some from as far away as Alberta and it was an unforgetable weekend. This coming year we expect 3 times the turn out.

Now that I have become a moderator on this site I will be working on planning and promoting ways of getting members of sportfishingbc and there friends together for fun fishing events with the assistance and input from members on this forum.

Cheers MyEscape

MyEscapes Photo Gallery

Edited by - MyEscape on 01/28/2006 14:56:54